I like you


I like you, just the way you are is a wonderful thing to hear. Since I’m a BAHM (blog-at-home-mom) I have a morning cartoon session with Sophie which usually involves Daniel Tiger or Baby Einstein.
Today, I saw a Daniel Tiger  episode teaching O the owl that his friends and family liked him for who he was, not for his things or talents he possessed. I loved that message and I feel, every once in a while, people wonder why or how someone could like them. Self deprecation is one of the worst traits I have but one I work the hardest at overcoming. It’s pointless and doesn’t help anyone, and I know that. Everyone is special and unique with a quality that someone will love. Be proud to be you, just the way you are.

Reader Interactions


  1. I like you VERY MUCH, Shelly. However, I think you already knew this, because I’ve never been shy to tell you, I think you’re awesome! I’m lucky to have somehow through this thing called blogging “meet” you ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Thank you girlie ๐Ÿ™‚ I wasn’t searching for a confidence builder when I wrote this. I just wanted people to know that people like them for them!

    • That’s something that I hate about our society. The first question people ask is ‘what do you do’ like that defines our passions and what we care about. So many people ‘do’ much more than their job.

  2. I’ll join the others and say I like you too and I am glad to have met you through blogging! As someone who has struggled to always appease others to be liked, it’s important to realize that you have to like yourself first, and then automagically others will like you too. Those who don’t… not worth wasting your thoughts on them.

  3. I missed being here Shelly! And what a wonderful message to read. I’ve learned that along the way and I’m happy to say that I value people who value me for who I am. You are truly blessed and I’m also glad that you’re working hard on what you think is your worst trait. ๐Ÿ™‚

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