
10 Things I’m Thankful For

Hello lovelies! I’ve been feeling very thankful lately. Sometimes I get wrapped up in ‘not having enough_____ (time, money, friends, space, clothes, chocolate etc.)’ and have to catch myself by thinking about all the awesomeness that I do have. I’m reading Daring Greatly right now which is helping me learn to ’embrace vulnerability and imperfection, to live wholeheartedly, and to courageously engage in our lives.’ All of these things sound so simple, yet are tough for us to live in our every day lives. To start daring greatly, I’m going to notice the things that I’m thankful for every day. flowers

1. My pup who sits here as I write with her head on my lap. Tomorrow she is having surgery to remove a tooth and I’m worried for her to have anesthetics. I’m thankful that we didn’t have to face the hard choice on if we should go through with the $700 surgery because of money. A lot of people do not have the option to give medical care to their pets and I’m so thankful we do.

2. Sophie’s amazing grandparents. We are so lucky to have both of our parents in her life. They both care for her unconditionally and I can really see the love that they have for her.  I was fortunate enough to have grandparents who loved me so much and I am so happy that Sophie can experience that type of love.

3. Music. I love that intense orchestral music can make me scared during a movie. I’m glad that listening to pop music can keep me motivated to clean. I’m thankful that you can feel a special bond with someone who shares the same love for a band that I do.

4. Pumpkin flavored everything. When I was pregnant with Sophie, I craved pumpkin more than anything. It’s closing in on fall meaning pumpkin goodness is in my future again.

5. Awesome neighbors. Our neighbors are always there to let us borrow a cup of milk, watch Sophie for a few minutes, give us recipes, share books, teach us a new craft, be a workout buddy and hang out with us on the sidewalks while we wait for our families to come home.

6. All four seasons. In Illinois, we can get all four seasons in a matter of two weeks. I’m not a huge fan when that happens but I am thankful that we get to see the grass and flowers grow from the rain in the spring, sunny warm nights in the summer, beautiful colors on the trees in the fall and snow to play in during the winter. I used to love all four seasons when I was young and I know, now that we have Sophie, that I’ll love them again just as much.

7. An easy going partner. I can change moods in one second flat and am so thankful that Jeffrey is extremely level headed to balance me out. He is happy to go along with my ‘fun adventures’ and just stay home to be with our family.

8. All the luck that I’ve stumbled into and opportunities that I’ve been a part of. If I talk about all the fun things that I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of, I’d just sound like I was bragging. A few of my favorite lucky things are my wonderful childhood, meeting my love, going to Purdue, being a Disney cast member and having a successful pregnancy.

9. Glitter, jewels and gems. I love sparkly shiny things. I’m thankful to have seen several exhibits on gems and start a collection of them. I think everything and everyone should be accessorized with glitter, jewels and gems!

10. The feeling of safety. Today, 9/11 is a reminder that terrible things can happen at any moment to change our lives. I’m thankful that I do not have daily fear of something terrible happening like so many people have around the world. I’m thankful to be raised where I was and to have the opportunity to live where I do today.

What are you thankful for? How are you living a wholehearted life? It’s hard, but like everything else, one step at a time.

Happy Birthday My Love

Today is my second favorite day of the year (now tied with October 5th which is Soph’s Birthday!) Christmas is my favorite day but close behind is my husband’s Birthday! He’s not a fan of celebrating his Birthday because he doesn’t like attention, but I am so grateful that he was born, I must celebrate! Jeffrey is my best friend, biggest motivator and soul mate. I couldn’t have been luckier to find the best person to be Daddy to our Sophie.

purduehoneymoonsophie (51)1In honor of my love’s Birthday, I thought I’d ask him 10 simple questions to see how well I know him.

1. Where would you live if we could take our family and friends anywhere in the world?
His: Scotland
Mine: Germany

2. What is your favorite TV show?
His: Scrubs
Mine: Game of Thrones

3. Who is your favorite author?
His: Terry Pratchett
Mine: Steven King or Terry Pratchett

4. When were you most nervous in life?
His: Before auditioning for drumline…I knew your parents would let me marry you.
Mine: Asking my parents for permission to marry me.

5. When were you most happy in life?
His: Getting married to you…or Sophie’s birth.
Mine: Snuggling Sophie to sleep as a newborn.

6. If there were 5 extra hours in the day, what would you do with them?
His: Gosh…write and work out.
Mine: Write or read.

7. What is your favorite movie?
His: Come back to that one…Sophie what’s my favorite movie? Ummm Frozen? No…Probably Twilight… hold on, let me look…let’s say…why is this so tough? (it’s now been 10 minutes) The Matrix.
Mine: Probably Twilight… I have no clue…I feel it changes often…LotR?

8. What would you tell your 16 year old self if you could go back in time?
His: start writing and stop eating crap food.
Mine: There is a girl out there that is going to love you (nerdiness included) more than life itself.

9. If you were given $10,000 what would you do with it?
His: Save it.
Mine: Pay off loans.

10. If you were given $10,000 that you could only use for fun, what would you do?
His: Travel
Mine: Travel to Europe or buy Legos!

Man, that was soul searching! -Jeffrey

I was pretty close!! He thought it was funny that I knew to ask number 10 because number 9 would be boring. I really should have known Scrubs was his favorite TV show but I was surprised about his biggest nervous moment! I’ll love looking back on this in 10 years to see where we were at this stage of our lives. I wonder if he’ll still love Twilight as much as he does now? How would you score if you asked your SO these questions?! If you happen to see Jeffrey, wish him a Happy Birthday!


