


I’ve really been working on focusing on myself and my family lately. Not worrying. Not scheduling. Not stressing. It’s definitely a work in progress for me but it’s going well. I am trying to streamline my planning but not be wrapped up in the fact that things don’t always go according to said plan. I wrote a post yesterday regarding unplugging from social medias to be in the present. I think this has already helped me see the beauty and happiness in everyday life…not having my nose glued to a screen. Next step is routinely meditating in hopes to not have stress headaches. So far today, no headache! What do you guys do to ‘Let tomorrow worry about itself’? Any tips on streamlining your planning? I have a feeling this is a life-long project but I’m willing to keep working on it!



Last week was our staycation which was just as busy as a normal vacation. This week I’m going to focus on slowing down. What do you do to remind yourself to slow down? Perhaps take a walk since the weather’s getting nicer? There may even be flowers where you are! My parents always had beautiful peonies. I think I’ll try my hand at them this year.

slow and smell the peonies


Photo taken by William Robertson


I am weak. Forgiveness has never been an easy attribute of mine. I’d like to say I’ve improved as I’ve gotten older but sometimes the silliest little things are the hardest to forgive. This week I’m going to work on being more forgiving to the people I care most about. Try it with me. You don’t have to forget, just forgive, one person.


Quote by Ghandi. Photo by Oliver Pacas.

Let it go!

Frozen’s Let it Go is constantly running through my head. Non stop. I wake up and fall to sleep singing this song. Walt (yes, we’re on a first name basis…he doesn’t like people calling him Mr. Disney) has said some very true things and this is definitely worth repeating.


