The Key is Habit


I’m not entirely sure why it is taking me this long to learn, but things seem to run more smoothly when it’s a habit. I’m not very good at habits, but when I do attempt a habit, and it lasts for at least a month, I’m a much happier person. It would be quite boring if I planned my entire day by habits but I would like to make a few key elements of my day into habitual tasks. Things that I would like to make into habits to simplify my life: more routine sleep schedule for Soph, a ‘blog flow’ for tasks, working out, basic cleaning tasks and doing one creative thing per day. What are some habits you currently have or habits that you are trying to work on?

Reader Interactions


  1. Yea, we can’t be robots (not that our kids would let us be) but we certainly need some habit or routine to keep our lives in-check. I’m trying to work out at least 2 a week. I read once a day. But all in all, this year, I’m focusing on a healthier me, so whatever that means – resting, drinking more water, exercising, reading, taking time for myself, doing what I enjoy.

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