Top 7 Time Management Tips for Moms

Now that I have two kids I’ve got to use some tricks to keep things running smoothly around the house. I’ve got 7 time management tips for Moms who are in charge of the household.

We’re out of the over exhausted phases of having a new baby. I’m able to figure out a schedule that works for me and my family. As a stay-at-home mom who loves going on adventures with my girls, it’s hard to also keep up the house and my blog. I’m incredibly grateful for the chance to be with the girls before they head to school and also have the chance to work on my passion. I hope these tips help you be able to take care of the things you need to complete but also have time for things that bring you joy.

With these tips, I’ve been able to read two books in the last month and do more painting and sewing. I will remind you, if you are in the early stages of having a baby, these things might not be possible yet, but they’ll still be helpful.

7 Time Management Tips for Moms

10 Minute Clean-up

My number one tip is to do a 10 minute clean-up at the end of the night before your kid’s bedtime routine. You can start this as early as age 3 (or when your littlest knows how to throw toys in a bin). We have our Google Home play Rockabye Baby music 10 minutes before 8p. This tells us we need to stop whatever we’re doing and each take a room of the downstairs and clean it up. In our family, my 5 year old picks up her and the baby’s toys while I heat up a bottle and clean the dishes from dinner. My husband cleans off the table and wipes down the counters.

After 10 minutes we’re able to go feed the baby while our oldest brushes her teeth and read stories to them both for an easy bedtime routine. This clean up has eliminated the anxiety I used to feel as soon as I walked down in the morning. It’s so nice to start the day with a clean house and clean dishes to quickly put away after breakfast. We’re able to manage the house throughout the day rather than spending time first cleaning it before starting our day.

Crock Pot Meals

This is pretty self explanatory. It’s easier to dump some ingredients in the crock pot for 5-10 minutes than to stand and cook a meal. We do one crock pot meal per week during the summer and 2-3 during the winter months. I have more energy in the summer with the sun being out longer so one crock pot meal/week is perfect for me. It’s usually chicken tacos because my husband could eat them every day and be fine with it.

Preschool Sewing Kit DIY perfect for young sewers just beginning. Fine motor skills, patience and focus are all used for this project.

Kid Activities

Set your kids up with some easy-to-access games and activities they can play on their own. These need to be activities they can get out, set up, need no supervision and clean up on their own. Before summer started I researched some of these activities knowing that I would need a little time to decompress after taking them to the pool for the day. Some of our favorites are perler beads, paint by sticker books, ABC Mouse and Kiwi Crate.


I use Google Home timers for everything. I already spoke about the Clean Up timer we set at night but I also use it to remind me when the bottles are done, when to put on the crock pot, when we need to start getting ready to go to swim lessons. It’s much easier for me to set a timer on my phone or Google Home than it is for me to keep looking at the clock and getting that pit in my stomach about being late or rushed. I hate that feeling.

I’ll also add reminders in Google Calendar about things I need to remember to research or schedule in the future. Stressing about something I can’t take care of right now does not help anyone, so I schedule it for later.


So many people think they can do more than they can. Yes, you might be able to do all the things BUT are they getting done well and are you also taking care of yourself. When my husband’s foot was broken I hired a neighbor boy to mow our lawn once per week. My husband has been building the deck in his free time for three months and I’m tempted to call the neighbor boy again.

It’s just mowing the lawn, something I’m capable of but is my time better spent mowing the lawn or doing school with Sophia or taking the girls to the pool? Check your values and make sure your actions are aligning with them. Time is money and if you’re out of time to do everything you want to do, hire it out.

Family Fun in Hendricks County

Schedule Play

Scheduling play sounds ridiculous. In our family, it’s necessary. We’ll get so overwhelmed with house projects, blog projects and work that we don’t make play a priority. Every Friday for me and the girls is Fun Friday and I do not do any type of work (business or house wise). This helps myself and the girls know that although we may not be having a ton of fun on Thursday, we have a great time Friday.

For you, this might look like blocking off a weekend so you can be with your family. It might look like planning a staycation because your family just needs a break. Notice if your ‘play’ is required sports or music lessons or if you’re actually taking a step away from obligations and actually playing.


Here is my biggest tip. Put everything into perspective. Step back and really look at what NEEDS to be done. Are you feeling overwhelmed because there’s dust on your blinds or you need to clean your car out? Think about what season you’re in and if the deep cleaning is necessary. Personally, I get anxious when there’s clutter. For us, picking up is something that makes our lives run smoother but the dust can wait. The dirty carpets that I want replaced can wait. My family being happy, getting good meals and having fun is the most important thing and the other stuff can wait.

Let me know what tips you use to keep on top of things while running the house.

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  1. I love the 10 minute cleanup idea. I’ll have to start that tonight. Being a stay at home dad has it’s challenges for sure and anything that helps things run smoother is a godsend.

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