
Morning Routine

I would love to wake up every morning with the first thought being ‘Let’s Do This!’ Sometimes it is, but other times I think, ‘Please, just 5 more minutes.’ All year (only a few months, but that’s ok) I’ve been working on how to have a more positive day from the start. I’ve learned what routines work for me to ensure a more productive day throughout. These may not work for you but perhaps a couple of them could be worked into your schedule to make for a better morning…which always leads to a better day!

morning routine

1. Shower. This seems like a silly thing to put up here. For some people it’s an obvious, ‘Must shower before I do anything’ and others it’s, ‘Why shower? I’m just going to get spit up on in 10 minutes’. The latter was my outlook for a while after I had our baby! Now, I look at it as ‘I deserve this time!’ Here are the things I use. Obviously I don’t use all of this every day, but I like the variety to take the kind of shower that I’m looking for (relaxing/pampering or exfoliating/rejuvenating.)


Shower by shelly-bergman featuring Margarita body cleansers

2. Accessorize. I got in the routine of wearing yoga pants, stretchy shirt and ponytails. I realized it was making me less productive during the day and I never felt pretty. I now put on at least ONE accessory. It’s usually in the form of studs and mascara but I’ve been getting better at wearing jeans for most of the week and throwing on a scarf. My baby loves the different textures of the scarfs and it gives her something, other than my hair, to hold on to! BTW, do you see that unicorn ring?! It’s over $300 (!!!) but freaking awesome! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Those red glasses down there are what I wear to feel bloggy, as mentioned here.


3. Food. Any kind of food if it’s a struggle for you. I am on the 4 Hour Body right now and my breakfasts consist of scrambled egg whites mixed with black beans and salsa. Every. Day. BUT it stays with me for longer so I’m not hungry or snacky before lunch. It’s crucial for me to have my breakfast within 1 hour of waking up so I’m not hangry. I love our breakfast because we make a bunch on Sunday, which lasts us every morning, so we don’t have the excuse to not have breakfast. You don’t have to eat what we do but if you’re the type to skip breakfast because of time, find some fast and healthy breakfasts you can make ahead of time! There are TONS on Pinterest. Oatmeal or hard boiled eggs are always a great make-ahead meals.

15 min meals

4. Plan. I use this planner every day. I plan meals on the weekends so I know what foods to get out to thaw or put in the crock pot. I use it to remember to send Birthday cards. I use it to keep a cleaning schedule. I even use it to remember to do my #100happydays, workout and meditate (things that most people don’t need a reminder to get done.) My mind gets extremely anxious if I don’t have lists and plans. I get too many things to remember pushing and shoving around in my head which lends to being forgetful. I can’t imagine not having a planner if I had an older child or more than one!! There’s a LOT to keep track of once they’re going to school and in extra curricular activities! I look at my planner the night before to write down anything I want to get done the next day and I look at it every morning to remind myself of my goals. I always have 3 things I plan to accomplish and I love crossing them off. If there’s something that doesn’t get done I move it to the following day- no big deal. I also have a blog planner but that’s a whole separate topic. ๐Ÿ˜‰


5. Do something for you. Before everything gets crazy and you spend your day taking care of everyone else. I’ve mentioned this before but I completely agree with it! I look at one chapter (2 pages) of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. Each chapter has a positive stress-relieving attribute that I focus on throughout the day. Some people like listening to pod casts on religious, political or scientific topics to have something to think about throughout the day. Some people meditate to clear their head of the non-sense to have an opened mind through out the day. Having that routine THING that helps you focus on yourself will help you better help you at your job and helping others.

chakra meditation

You already do at least one of these in your morning routine, don’t you? Perhaps you do completely different things and they work awesome for your lifestyle! These are the steps that I take in order for me to have a productive day. I’ve watched a lot of YouTube and read a lot of blogs regarding morning routines when I was in a funk about getting motivated and staying motivated throughout the day. For me, since I don’t have to rush to work or get my kids off to school, this works for me. I also wake up at 5a M,W,F and 8a on T,TH to make sure I’m getting enough rest but also having enough time to do everything I want in my day. The days I wake up at 5a I go with friends to the gym to do a ‘couch to 5k’ workout so I’m back to the house and ready to be on baby duty by 6:30a. This just started, which is why I didn’t add it to my 5 main steps that I do to get motivated for the day, but it always seems to jump start me for the day! What steps do you already do? What have you added to your routine that totally rocks for you?! I wanna hear them!

Life Planner

Today I’m going to let you hear me. Yes, I’m doing my first ever vlog. Sigh. It’s so hard to hear yourself on camera but I wanted to try it out so you guys could get to know me a bit better! I’m going to talk about my life planner and show you what works for our family in hopes that it sparks some ideas for your planner!


First things first! HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!


Life Planner

If you want better quality, click HERE to go to my YouTube page.

Here’s the ridiculous set up I had for my make-shift tripod!! Please tell me how you set your cameras up so you can use both hands!! Please disregard all of the scrapbook stuff on the island out of frame! I’ve been smashing lately!


As promised here are the links to everything you see in my planner. If there’s anything I missed or you care to know about; like my nail polish color, what make up I’m wearing, where I got my Mickey earrings or any other random thing you see, just ask! Ps. Stephen King would be SO mad to see his book next to Twilight! You can definitely pick out which books are mine and which are Jeffrey’s.

There ya have it! What does your life planner look like? One of many things I learned while doing this vlog-look at the camera. Sorry friends. *Disclaimer: I do not discourage tree climbing except for when the tree is dead.* How’d you like the vlog? Honestly, I’d love any and all feedback you have regarding the matter! Also, sorry for calling my sweet neighborhood my ‘hood’…I’m weird.

Interested in more organizational tips? Check out my Pinterest board!

Corner Sink Organization

Corner Sink

WARNING: This will be the ugliest photography you have and will ever see on my site. (And that’s saying a lot for my novice photography skills!)

I couldn’t shoot this area of the kitchen very well because it’s deeeep in the corner with all the beautiful windows above the sink! However, I posted it because I KNOW there has to be other people out there with these unfortunate corner kitchen sinks. I do not have a before shot of this ‘situation’ but I will tell you that nothing was accessible without something else falling over and leaking everywhere! The game changer:


This is my new favorite kitchen addition (besides the automatic pantry light when we open the door…I know…my husband is a genius.) I want at least 2 more but would like about 7 more throughout the house! Only problem is, their a bit steep. The best thing about these drawers is that they come in many different sizes and shapes to fit your space!

Here’s the odd corner sink. See all the wasted space? See how easy it would be to just put stuff in there and only be able to access the front row?!


 We had installed the wrap holder a few years ago (with wood brackets so the screws would not go through the thin cabinet fronts.) It’s an ok solution but I will be adding a second one to our pantry door for ziplock bags because there’s just not enough room under the sink.

The right side of the sink has our dish dryer and counter top cleaning products. You’ll also see our ‘oops’ for this project. The first time my husband installed it, he did not account for the fact that our cabinet has a TINY lip on the front edge. The first time we slid the drawer out to test it, the veneer got scrapped off. It was a quick fix though. He uninstalled the drawer and put some small shims under to lift it the slightest bit and it no longer scrapes the edge! I need to go over it with one of my walnut markers to fill in the color but I wanted you to be able to see what had happened.

under sink organization

The items we keep under the sink are solely kitchen related, mainly for cleaning.

  1. Sponges
  2. Disposal freshening beads
  3. Drain stoppers
  4. Fertilizers for my kitchen plants
  5. Stainless steel cleaner and Bar Keeper’s Friend for our white counter tops
  6. Trashbags
  7. Dishwasher soap
  8. Dishwasher rinse aid

under sink organization

All in all, no super WOW factor going on but the usage factor is WOW for me! Anyone else have a strangely shaped cabinet they’ve been re-organizing over and over? Anyone else use Bar Keeper’s Friend?! It’s amazing, right?! I’ll leave you with this shot that’s above my sink. Much cuter. ๐Ÿ˜‰


8 Office Must Haves

If you have any job or hobby that requires you to sit at a desk for more than a half hour at a time, it’s a good idea to have a clear space with items that help you be more productive. For me, there are 8 office must haves.
office must haves
8 Office Must Haves
As I write here at my desk I realize the things that every functioning desk should have. Whether it be for functionality or inspiration, the staples that I like to keep at my desk are:
1. Feminine or graphic at-a-glance calendar.
2. Greenery. In this case a geometric terrarium which is low maintenance and pleasing to the eye.
3. Task lamp. I have a regular desk lamp and a directional task lamp that I use frequently (especially in the evenings when the sun is down and I’m crafting.)
4. A comfortable chair. This chair was a Christmas present to me three years ago and I love it. It’s easy to raise and lower as well as lock it so it doesn’t recline. The only downfall is the white leather. I wore new dark blue jeans on it one day and it now has some spots on the seat. Lesson learned: no new jeans on white furniture.
5. Hardy notebook. I have LOTS of notebooks for various subjects/ideas but this notebook is my favorite for blogging. I keep some tabs near by to mark specific chapters and it still looks sophisticated sitting on my desk.
6. A SWEET pencil holder. I don’t have this brass holder, but I wish I did. I try my hardest to keep my desk minimal of clutter and this holder would be perfect for anyone who does a lot of journaling. It would even be cute with colored pencils in it if you’re a doodler.
7. Your favorite pen. Mine changes every few months but I always have a Sharpie pen nearby. They have the thickness I like and don’t bleed through the page.
8. Reading glasses. Or in my case, fake red rimmed reading glasses. I have no idea why I love these but they make me feel bloggier!? I wore them to Barnes and Noble and felt like I belonged there. I’ll try them out at Starbucks next and see how that goes. In any case, you don’t necessarily need red rimmed glasses at your desk but having something (favorite scarf, lipstick, lotion etc.) you can throw on to make yourself feel good and stay focused is key.
Now I’m inspired to completely slim down my desk again. Let’s see how long it lasts. What are some must-haves for your work or home desk area?
Also, I’ve been working on a moodboard on Pinterest for my dream office/craft space. Do you have a board like this?

Follow Shelly Bergman’s board Office/Craft Room on Pinterest.

This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

Spice Rack Organization

spice rack

I feel like I’m decent at organizing but somehow after four years of accumulation in our home cabinets, are sure to get messy. Our spice rack, for example was in shambles. I was always tipping things over and buying doubles of spices we already had. Proof of the insanity:


I knew turn tables would probably be the best way to see all the spices so I headed over to Amazon (are there other stores out there?) I found these bad boys at a whopping $19.13 + $7 shipping b/c they aren’t Prime (best and worst thing ever.) Too much for my blood just for organizing some spices so on the Christmas wishlist they went. Do you guys ever ask for really lame household items for Christmas? Well, Santa was kind to me!


First I sorted through all the spices into ‘like’ categories…if that’s possible in the spice world. I relocated the oils to the cabinets over the stove because they’re rarely used. Top right shelf is for baking goods like sprinkles and vanilla extract. Top left is for salts and pepper. The bottom shelf is for all of the spices arranged by usage.


These Simply Organic spices from Meijer are my fav but they’re discontinuing them from our store. I’ll have to just keep the bottles and refill. ๐Ÿ˜‰ How do you spice it up? Magnetic racks? On the counter for quick access? Turntables so you can pretend you’re a DJ while you cook? Just me…

This post was not sponsored by Amazon or Meijer. These are my own opinions.
