
Fables Across Time: Kalila and Dimna

My favorite exhibit at the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is called Fables Across Time: Kalila and Dimna. I am grateful to be sharing first hand knowledge of the exhibit as I had the chance to interview the curator of this wonderful display – Sabiha Al KhemirFables Across Time

Fables Across Time

Fables Across Time

Sabiha partnered with the Children’s Museum to create an exhibit that would illustrate the importance of storytelling across the globe and time. The focus of the piece demonstrates how ‘fables mirror our morals, our cultures, ourselves…’ It is astounding to me how these fables from 700 years ago are still being adapted and re-told all around the world.

Fables Across Time: Kalila and Dimna is an interactive exhibit of Kalila and Dimna (570 CE), that brings the characters, their relationships and lessons to life. The display showcases storytelling in the form of digital media, illustration, hands-on games and theater. It’s the perfect exhibit for toddlers up through grandparents to have the chance to talk about stories they’ve been told.

Check Indy’s Child Parenting Magazine for more of my visit to this wonderful exhibit.


Family Day at the Indianapolis Museum of Art

As the weather gets warmer, my itch to explore grows stronger. The days are longer and I want to fill them with as much fun as possible! Much to my husband’s chagrin, I have a tendency to fill our weekends months out. Living in a city with so much to do, it’s hard for me to choose which events to participate in with my family. We believe creativity and art is a wonderful part of life and want to share our passion for them with Sophie. My sister had invited us to join them in visiting the Indianapolis Museum of Art for Family Day and I thought it the perfect way to introduce her to the art museum. I’m so thankful she asked us along because I’m so excited to take her back (when she’s 3). It was a difficult for her to understand that she couldn’t run and squeal in the museum when she got excited to see exhibits and other kids. Indianapolis Museum of Art Star Studio

IMA_FamilyDay_Yoga (1 of 1)

Family Day at the Indianapolis Museum of Art

Family Day takes place every first Saturday of each month throughout the year. It is an awesome opportunity for kids ages 3-10 (but all are welcome) to learn different art techniques through a themed event. We went to the SMASH, BOOM, POW:ANIMATIONS & COMICS DAY where kids learned how stop motion claymation works, storyboarding for a comic strip and painting cels to make a motion picture. The girls were especially delighted to start the day with cartoons and cereal where they saw New York International Children’s Film Festival Best of the Fest: Kid Flix Mix Mini Film Fest.

Have you checked out the IMA yet? While you’re there, also schedule in time to visit 100 Acres for a little outdoor fun. For more info on our Family Day at the Indianapolis Museum of Art trip, check out my post on Indy’s Child Parenting Magazine. 

Indianapolis Museum of Art Family Day

Want more kid-friendly Indy attractions? Go here!

The Public Collection

There is a lot that I love about Indy. I love the restaurants, shopping, sporting events, concerts and museums. Most of all, I love that there are so many free attractions in the city. Last August something wonderful happened-art and literacy joined together in making The Public Collection. The Public Collection is a series of nine micro-libraries throughout the city where anyone can borrow and return a book. They are indoor and outdoor sculptures that Indiana based artists created to house books provided by the Indianapolis Public Library. My goal is to visit all nine this spring and summer with Jeffrey and Soph. We’ve already seen a few and have even checked out a couple books. I’ve shared more info at Indy’s Child on where to find these gems. Let me know if you’ve visited any or if your city has anything similar.

The Public Collection in Indianapolis

The Public Collection

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Prairie Tykes at Conner Prairie

If you’ve ever lived with a toddler during the winter, you know that they become crazy after one day of not being able to run around outside. Even living near a major city, it’s difficult to find indoor toddler friendly venues that we can visit for just a few hours without spending a lot of money. Que the angels because we’ve found it. Conner Prairie has been hosting Prairie Tykes, a preschool class, for over 20 years. Soph and I joined their Happy Hibernating class last week and was pleasantly surprised!

The class is held every second and fourth Thursday and Friday of every month with a new theme each week. Each session includes songs, games, stories, crafts and snacks that relate to the theme of the week. I loved that the activities were interesting for each kid ranging from 2-5 years old. If you’re interested in learning more, visit my post on Indy’s Child for more information.

Prairie Tykes

Prairie Tykes at Conner Prairie

Best Indoor Playgrounds around Indianapolis

Although it’s just a date on a calendar, the start of the new year is always the time of year I buckle down and really plan, organize, clean and rejuvenate our home. Being a personal organizer, I am always jealous of the spaces I organize for others because I haven’t taken the time to organize our new home yet. Part of that is because I’m doing the best I can to simply keep my home in order behind the two-year-old tornado that is my daughter. I’m learning that things stay much tidier in my home if I take Sophie out to expend her energy elsewhere. Once we’re home, she’s much more in tuned to cleaning up after herself if she’s had a chance to explore, run and play that day.

Since we’re new to the north side of Indianapolis, I’ve been researching and making a list of indoor playgrounds we’ve been exploring. There are several indoor playgrounds around Indianapolis. Check out what’s near you and let me know if there are any I’ve missed! For my go-to list of indoor playscapes around Indianapolis, check out my post on Indy’s Child.

Best Indoor Playgrounds around Indianapolis

Indoor playgrounds around Indianapolis
