
Gift Guide for 1 Year Olds

Hello friends! I have a 4 year old niece who is awesome and super fun to shop for at the holidays. I also have a one year old, of my own, who is terribly difficult to buy gifts have been extremely lucky to know generous friends and family who give us toys, books and clothes second hand so she is swimming in STUFF.

Sophie also just had her Birthday where people said ‘what does Sophie need for her Birthday?’ and I would reply with ‘I have no idea because she has everything in the world’ (and I wasn’t joking.) She ended up getting some really thoughtful gifts that we were all happy to receive and bring into our home and here comes Christmas and people are, yet again, asking ‘what does Sophie need for Christmas?’ I realize, unless you are the parent or guardian of the child, you have no idea what to get the child. Perhaps the child already has that toy, perhaps the parents don’t want them to have that toy, maybe there is already too many toys, books and clothes that the parents are considering buying a bigger home to fit everything (all of these are very real possibilities.) I wanted to do a round up of some of Sophie’s favorite toys or toys that would be awesome for a 1 year old to receive.

Handmade Toys:


DIY Quiet Book. I’d love to make a felt quiet book for Sophie to play with in the car, at a restaurant or on trips. I found this amazing site on clever activities to add to your quiet book but you could always buy one on Amazon.


DIY Teepee. I think little forts, nooks, tents and teepees are awesome little areas for kids to have playtime or reading time. How fun is this teepee Jen made for her daughter?!


DIY Dress-up Wings. I am obsessed with this skirt/wings combo for dress up (or the grocery store.) Lier makes amazing costumes for her kid’s and these dress-up wings are no exception!


DIY Zipper Monsters. I’ve never sewed a stuffed animal or even added a zipper to anything but these zipper pouched monsters are amazing! Kids can hide things in their mouths!

Store Bought Toys:


Sorting Cube. Sorting cubes are a great learning toy for toddlers. I like this Melissa and Doug version because, Sophie who just turned one, can’t figure out how to put the shapes in yet, but she loves taking colorful shapes in and out of buckets. She’ll learn soon enough how to sort the shapes in the correct holes.


Mega Blocks. Mega Blocks are an awesome pre-Duplo/pre-Lego toy that little toddlers can use to stack and build towers.


Water Table. There are a ton of different water tables out there. You can even make your own out of PVC pipe! I liked this Step2 water table for someone Sophie’s size because more than one kid can play at once and there’s a lot of space reserved for splashing.


Wood Blocks. You can’t go wrong with wood toys and wood blocks are a staple in every kid’s toy box. They’re great for learning numbers, letters, colors and how to be destructive like Godzilla.


Indestructible Books. My sister bought Soph a few of these indestructible books and they are awesome. These books are tear proof, chew proof, water proof books with beautiful illustrations.


Musical Bath Toy. Sophie loves bath time but I know a lot of one year olds don’t like baths. These colorful dolphins make whistling noises when you dunk them into the water. I’m sure she can’t tell that they’re different tones but she loves bopping them to make them whistle!

Do you agree with me that 1 year olds are difficult to buy for? Especially if you’re not the parent or guardian. What is your go-to 1 year old present?? Usually they like the tissue paper and bag the gift comes in better than the present! Any tips on toy management so you don’t feel overwhelmed after holidays with TOYS?

They Say It’s Your Birthday!

Hello loves! This week you will have to follow me via my social medias because we’re on vacation in celebration of our little bean! It was her first Birthday yesterday and we celebrated with pumpkin pancakes, a trip to the park and lots outrageous amounts of kisses!

IMG_6511IMG_6555IMG_6572If you’re here from the Pinning Party or a link-up I was featured on, thanks for stopping by and I’m sorry I won’t be here to entertain you this week. There’s plenty in the archives though so by the time you get through them, I’ll be back from vacation. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I hope you all have the best week ever with lots of fun and awesomeness! Hug your little ones and tell them how much you love them! Celebrate them everyday.

What’s in my: Diaper Bag

Hello Beauts! I’ve made it one more day without crying for the smiles of my Sophie! I have been doing all kinds of things that are really hard to do with an 11 month old. Today I’m sans car while it gets detailed, (from our road trip in July!) which I wouldn’t feel safe doing while having Sophie here. We (yes, WE) organized Sophie’s clothes for fall to determine what we needed to stock up on and I bought all her new fall (warm) clothes. I also re-organized her diaper bag which needed it desperately! Which brings me to:

diaper-bag-pinterestI feel a bit ashamed to call myself a Girl Scout with the shape our diaper bag was in. We’re lucky to have not had any craziness happen while the bag has been in such disarray. First step: dump everything from the bag to determine what needs to stay and what needs to be put away. Continue Reading about What’s in my: Diaper Bag โ†’

A Trip to the Orchard

Hi guys! I’ve decided, I don’t care what people say about it still being summer, I’m breaking out the fall decor! This time of year is so confusing for me because it’s still really hot out but I’m seeing sweaters and pumpkin lattes. Since October is when I put up Halloween decorations, I think it’s ok to put up fall decorations the second week of September. Just letting you all know what I’m thinking on the whole decorating issue. Back to the fun we had at the orchard this past weekend! It’s too early for pumpkin picking but it’s the perfect time for apple picking!

pregnant-pumpkinHere’s the last time we were at the orchard (six days before lil Soph was born)! We usually go to Curtis Orchard a couple times during the fall season. I was really excited to be able to take Sophie this year, even though she wasn’t a huge fan of the animals.

cornThis is our view on the way to the orchard. This is not a strange view to see where I live. A lot of people who live near corn say they get tired of seeing it but I love living by corn because it reminds me of being back home in Indiana.

ozOur orchard is themed as The Wizard of Oz and this is one of the awesome murals that meets you as you walk down the yellow brick road into the orchard. Warning: do not be alarmed that Soph is not grinning from ear to ear in these photos. She was having a bad teeth day. I think being at the orchard and watching everyone helped keep her mind off it though.

chair1We love the giant rocking chair! I’m excited to look back on photos as our family grows on this rocker!

waveSophie recently learned how to wave and loves waving to every person she sees.I made Jeffrey take a few photos of me since I’m rarely in our photos. Moms, get out from behind the camera! Someday you’ll be glad you did.

blue-eyesCan you guess where she gets her eyes? Sophie loved spinning the wheel of this old tractor.


Don’t let her fool you, she was way more interested in pulling the leaves off the trees than the apples. A lot of the trees were picked over. Thankfully Daddy’s tall enough to reach her to the good apples.

familyUnfortunately, this was the best shot we got as a family selfie. Hopefully when we go back to pick pumpkins the little bean will be feeling better and have more fun (although, she’s still stinking cute with a frown.)


eatSometimes Daddy likes to see if she’ll really take a bite of something. Thankfully, he didn’t let her this time.

pumpkinTo end: my pumpkin with her pumpkin. I’m ready for pumpkin flavored everything. Who’s with me? Have you guys made a trip to your local apple orchard or pumpkin patch yet?

Baby Quilt for Beginners

Hola mis amigos! I am REALLY craving chips and guac/salsa and a peach marg right now…only 30 more days of my Whole60 (psh! that’s nothing!) For now, I’ll just have to use what little Spanish I remember to get me by, and trust that you’ll partake in the margs for me. Today, I’m proud to say, that I completed one goal that I had set before Sophie turns one: make her a baby quilt. It was easier than I thought but took way longer than I’d planned.

baby-quilt-beginnersI’d never made a quilt before, so this is definitely a baby quilt tutorial for beginners! I didn’t actually even ‘quilt’ because I didn’t sew the layers together, so I guess I just made a blanket. Oh well.
Here’s what you’ll need to make your baby quilt/blanket:

quilt-piecingquilt-pieces-rowsI wanted to be sure none of the squares were duplicates next to each other so I laid out my design and snapped a photo. I then gathered all the squares according to their rows and divided them with a piece of paper. I went through the piles and pieced the squares together (good side facing each other) and ended up with my six rows.

piecing-folds sewing-foldsTo make all of the squares lay flat, I had to pin the seams apart to sew the rows together. This part was tedious and helped me see how terribly I’d sewed my rows together!

thread-loopsAs always, there was a learning curve for this new project. I noticed after sewing for a while that there were tiny loops in my thread. This is a tension problem. My machine was set for a thicker material from my last project and needed to be re-adjusted. See your sewing machine manual on how to adjust your tension if you see these little loops. I didn’t rip out all the seams because there was too much by this point. It is not noticeable from the front and I ran the entire pieced together squares through the wash at this point to make sure it would stay together. It’s also a good idea to wash your fabric at this point to account for any shrinkage that might occur.

ironing-quiltThe next step was, by far, the hardest part of the entire project. Ironing the seams apart. This took forever, made my back sore and caused a few burns. There’s one thing I don’t do: ironing, and it showed! Thankfully it was a baby blanket rather than a full sized blanket! Next time I may have to pay someone to come over and iron. ๐Ÿ™‚

pinning-battingHere’s where things really started to get going and all of my pieces were looking more like a quilt! I pinned the three layers (minky fabric, batting and quilt squares) together at various locations throughout the quilt with the basting pins. Using basting pins ensures that the quilt layers won’t shift around on you while you’re trying to sew things together. I pinned around all the edges to make sure everything was extremely solid. I used embroidery thread to tack the three layers together at the corners where the squares met. I don’t own a quilting machine and I didn’t want to hand quilt this project so I thought embroidery thread would be the next best thing.

sewing-minky-fabricOnce all of the thread was holding the layers together, I cut the excess batting and minky fabric to fit the quilt squares. I then sewed along the the border of the quilt making sure the minky fabric was face up. Minky is a very stretchy material. I’d read so many blogs on how to use a special foot for your machine but it seemed to work perfectly with the foot that came standard on my Brother.

embroidery-heartTADAAAAA! Everything is sewn together! I trimmed all the edges to make a shallow border and added a little heart in the corner with embroidery thread.

bunny-quiltsophie-cribsophie-quiltI’m giving Sophie her quilt for her Birthday next month (OMG NEXT MONTH) but she was sorta playing in her room where I wanted to shoot, so she’s seen her beautiful quilt. Really, she just wanted to throw it around a bit. So, how do you guys think I did for my first quilt? Have you ever made a quilt for a loved one? Although Sophie won’t really care when I give her quilt to her, I’m sure she’ll appreciate it as she gets older.
