
Gooey Granola Bars

Hi guys! I wanted to share with you one of my favorite Kid Chef recipes to get your kids involved in the kitchen. Laura posted this granola bar recipe at Heavenly Homemakers and I knew it looked like a super yummy snack that would be a great recipe for my kid chef!

Gooey Granola Bars

The title is extremely accurate. These granola bars are super gooey which is a great sensory activity for toddlers. This recipe is super easy and customizable. You can have your kids choose what additions to make to the recipe. There is only one part that an adult would need to help with, depending on the age of the kids.*

Gooey Granola Bars

Ingredients Needed:

  • 1/2 c peanut butter (or other nut butter)
  • 1/3 c honey
  • 1/4 c coconut oil
  • 1 c oats
  • 1 c (total) of any combination of : sunflower seeds, chocolate chips, dried fruit, coconut flakes etc.

Gooey Granola Ingredients

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Let’s DIY

Happy Friday friends! I hope the sun is shining where you live and you’re looking forward to a fun weekend ahead! I’m excited because Jeffrey and I are going on a star gazing date: dinner, planetarium and star gazing using a rented telescope. We’re switching off who plans our date each month. This was my month and since Jeffrey loves space, I thought I’d recreate our second date together from college (star gazing in a field with brownies). I probably won’t get any crafting done other than finishing photo booth props for my cousin’s wedding. I’m keeping this week’s Let’s DIY at the top of the list though because each of these have been begging to be made!

DIY Crafts
Here are my favorite DIY projects from this week: Continue Reading about Let’s DIY

Let’s DIY

Whew. This week was a doozie. And I don’t use that word often. I could seriously go for a ‘no responsibilities crafting weekend’ right about now (and a martini for good measure). I’ll just have to sneak in a few projects here and there during nap times for a while, and I’m ok with that. So, what do you say? Let’s DIY!

Simple DIY crafts to make this weekend
Here are my favorite DIY projects for this week: Continue Reading about Let’s DIY

Lets DIY

It’s FRIDAY! All week has felt like Saturday to me though because we’re on vacation! We’ve gotten lots of projects done, but more importantly, we’ve gotten lots of play time in as a family. We stayed in town and checked out a new park that we’re now in love with. Jeffrey and I also went on a date and found our new favorite restaurant in town! I wish this week could last forever because Soph and I both love having Jeffrey around to play with.

DIY Craft Projects
Here are my favorite DIY projects for this week: Continue Reading about Lets DIY

DIY Easter Bunny Wreath

It’s hard to believe Easter is this weekend! I feel like we just had St. Patrick’s Day and it’s still super cold outside! I usually stick with a happy yellow forsythia wreath for our front door throughout spring but was in a wreath making mood so I whipped up this simple Easter Bunny wreath.

DIY Spring Easter Bunny Wreath
Materials needed:

  • Basic wreath
  • Silk flowers
  • Foam board
  • Mini Easter eggs
  • Pipe cleaners/straw
  • Hot glue gun

Boxwood Wreath
I started out with a simple leafy wreath. I love boxwood wreaths but found this guy on sale a few years ago and rotate him through the seasons by switching out flowers.

Bunny cut out
Searching ‘bunny silhouette’ in images online, I found this perfect cartoonish looking bunny. I traced him onto my brown foam board and cut him out. His name is Franky, in case you were wondering.

Easter Bunny and Eggs for Wreath
To make Franky easy to stick in to the wreath, I hot glued a straw, knowing it would be stable enough to hold his weight. I used pipecleaners as the sticks for the mini Easter eggs but a twist tie would work as well.

Sticking Franky and his eggs into the wreath was extremely easy. I twisted the pipe cleaners slightly to make sure they wouldn’t fall out.

Easter Wreath
I snipped the tops of a few stems of flowers to fill in the rest of my wreath. I went with happy spring colors to keep the dark green light and airy. Make sure to leave enough stem on the flowers to stick through the branches of the wreath. If you use your front door a lot, be sure to twist the stems or use a twist tie to fasten the flowers.

DIY Spring Easter Bunny Wreath
Cute. Franky is so happy to greet our friends and neighbors when they come to the door. This wreath was extremely quick and simple for how much impact it makes on my front door. My favorite part is that I can store away the props with my Easter decor and re-use my wreath next season! Do you have a wreath or sign on your front door? Would you ever consider DIYing your wreaths? To purchase a wreath of this size would cost $40-$50 at a hobby store already decorated. I made it custom to my taste and saved money!

For more Spring and Easter ideas, check out my Pinterest board!
Follow Shelly @ DIY Mama’s board Spring Decor & Recipes on Pinterest.
