
Feel Like You’re Running On Empty?

Feel like you’re running on empty?– In accepting, understanding and ultimately overcoming mom burnout you will begin to experience your life full of love, joy and connection. I see it every day in moms at the library, park or grocery. That zombie look in their eyes just going through the motion of whatever task is at hand. It’s not that they don’t love being moms and taking care of their families but rather that they’re putting everyone else before themselves. There’s never any time or energy left for us at the end of the day.

What to Do for Self Love

I’ve learned that I need to do something for myself, just by myself, once a week. With a new baby and a five year old, showering alone sometimes feels like an oasis. When I’m able to take time to pamper myself, specifically how I look, I’m happier and feel more connected to myself as a person rather than just a ‘mom.’

Eva NYC Hair Wrap- Feeling like you're running on empty? Self Love

Eva NYC Conditioner- Feeling like you're running on empty? Self Love

Eva NYC must have known I was needing some self love action and sent me a box packed full of pampering goodness. This past weekend, after sitting in a car for four hours, dancing at a concert for three hours and sitting in a car for another four hours on the way home, I was exhausted. I felt like I used a whole weekend abusing my out of shape ‘mom bod’ by sitting and dancing and I needed some serious pampering Sunday night.


My hair hadn’t been washed since the previous Sunday when I’d gotten a blow-out and was definitely ready for some love. I gave my hair a serious wash and followed it by combing the Eva NYC Soften Up Conditioner through my hair. Words can’t describe the de-tangling effects of this conditioner. Remember, I hadn’t washed or brushed it in a week. The Argan oil feeds hair with vitamins and nutrients, while Keravis™ delivers optimal anti-breakage benefits and is scientifically proven to dramatically increase strength and flexibility. After I hopped out of the shower I put on their Skip the Spa Thermal Hair Wrap while my hair was still wet. The wrap is an innovative, deep conditioning treatment that is clinically proven to moisturize, nourish and repair dry and damaged hair. Infused with 38 plant oils and extracts, including Argan oil, this hair wrap uses your body heat to activate the nutritive ingredients resulting in rejuvenated, healthier locks.

Clinical Trials Confirm:

  • Immediate improvement in damaged hair
  • 7 days of shiny, glowing hair
  • 9 days of hydrated hair

Eva NYC Primer- Feeling like you're running on empty? Self Love

Eva NYC Primer- Feeling like you're running on empty? Self Love

After removing the thermal hair wrap my hair smelled and felt like I’d just gotten an expensive hair treatment at the salon. My last step was to finish it off by spraying the product that everyone raves about: Mane Magic 10-in-1 Primer (it detangles, reduces frizz, strengthens, softens, cuts drying time, adds shine, nourishes, smooths, and protects against thermal and UV damage.) I lightly sprayed the primer all over my hair and scrunched my curls before heading down to watch a movie with my family completely refreshed. I typically let my curls air dry at night and in the morning I’ll refine a few curls with a curling iron and be good to go. My hair the next morning was still so soft and I felt so great about the day ahead.

I loved all of these products so much. I’m so excited that they’re not being sold at Meijer so I can easily grab them while I’m out getting groceries for the week!

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Self Love

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Eva NYC Primer- Feeling like you're running on empty? Self Love


Why Moms Rock

‘This post has been sponsored by General Mills. All thoughts and opinions are my own.’ 

In honor of Mother’s Day, I wanted to take a deeper look at why moms rock and give them a huge standing ovation for everything they represent. My sister is an awesome example of motherhood. I’ve been able to watch many of the struggles and joys of parenting through her journey. Starting with a difficult delivery, through seasons of frustrations and learning, on to the ever changing roller coaster that is being a mom of two beautiful girls. All of this calls for not only a celebration of her, but a small token of appreciation, too (thank you, Cheerios!).

Why Moms Rock

Why Moms Rock

Cheerios at Walmart for Buy One, Give One

My sister has always had the motherly instinct. She is four years older than me and has been my protector since before I can remember. Now she does the same, not only for her family, but for several other families when we are in need. She has the coveted talent of knowing how to step up and help without asking. I am amazed that she somehow always seems to choose the most helpful service for the family in need. She possesses the five traits that I feel many moms aspire to have.

Why Moms Rock

The five most all-encompassing attributes I would use to describe the moms I know:

  1. Nurturing
  2. Encouraging
  3. Supportive
  4. Inspiring
  5. *Always* Prepared

Some people think all females are born with these traits but for some they are a practiced chore that hopefully can become a habit (*raises my hand*).

The nurturing mom helps snuggle a sick child with a fever and makes sure they feel comforted in their times of need.

The encouraging Mother is always giving that little nudge that helps her kids achieve what they’re struggling with.

The supportive mom is the cheerleader at every event and will always be right beside the child with every big decision.

The inspiring mom knows that the best way to be a mom is to not ONLY be a mom. Showing her family that she has passions and dreams that she pursues while also being a mom.

The Mama who is always prepared has extra clothes in the car for the days the kids want to jump in the puddles and snacks in her purse for the toddler having a melt-down at the zoo.

Why Moms Rock

Cheerios at Walmart for Buy One, Give One

Buy One, Give One

Growing up in my family, my Dad quickly learned to ask us if we’re hungry when something was ‘off’ with my mom, sister or I. We get hangry when we’ve not been fed regularly and this trait has been passed down to our children. That’s why Amy knows to always have snacks at the ready in her pantry, purse and during carpool. Their go-to snack has always been Cheerios for their nutrients and taste as well as ease of travel. This is definitely a product that favors both of our households as I always have a box or two in my own pantry as well.

On our last box of cereal I noticed a Buy One, Give One advertisement on the box and knew I had to head over to Walmart to pick up a few more boxes while this campaign is running. I had to get my sister stocked up on Cheerios!

Kid eating Cheerios

Cheerios flatlay

Thankfully the Buy One, Give One event is running at Walmart right now so don’t wait! You can find your favorite Cheerios flavor in the cereal aisle. After purchasing a Buy One, Give One specially-marked box of Cheerios, find your code to enter on the Walmart Website and send a coupon for a free box of Cheerios to someone in your life. It couldn’t be easier to share a box of your favorite snack with someone you love. I can’t wait until the coupon arrives in my sister’s mailbox and she gets to indulge in a small gift.

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Cheerios Buy One, Give One

Cheerios at Walmart for Buy One, Give One

Other posts you may like:

What Real Moms Want for Mother’s Day


Friday Night Mom Win

Friday Night Mom Win- This post has been sponsored by Red Baron®. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

My day began at the sound of my alarm. It’s set a half hour earlier than necessary thanks to my recent motivator, ‘The 5 Second Rule‘, which has been a great boost to me since I started. I had time to read a book, listening to nothing but the birds chirping in the trees. Those 30 minutes were the only peaceful minutes that I had until my head hit the pillow that evening.

Red Barron-Mom Win

As Moms, we wear many different hats (but usually the same ‘uniform’ several days in a row). For instance, there are many ways that I earn money: freelance writer (for multiple publications), YMCA Play & Learn friend, and as a local influencer. The job I choose to work hardest at is the one that pays in smiles and hugs. Motherhood is also the job that keeps me up at night and has taught me the invaluable lesson of patience.

Kids Are Fun

Earlier this week, I asked my three year old who she wanted to invite to her Birthday Party. Thinking that she would name every child she knows and I would have to explain that we need to narrow it down to her favorites, she completely surprised me. She insisted that ‘everyone with a red car should come.’ She proceeded to point out every person she saw in a red car all week and asked to add them to the list. I’m going with it until only a handful of her best friends shows up to the party. I’ll then explain that the other red cars were busy and couldn’t make it.

‘I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure – which is: Try to please everybody.’ -Herbert Bayard Swope 

Pizza's Ready

Red Barron Mom Win

Red Barron Mom win

One Thing the Entire Family Can Agree On

I have a small family but I’ve learned that I can not please all of us all the time, (or even half of the time). In our family, the one thing we can always agree on is Pizza Night. As I’ve preached many times, Kroger’s Click-List and meal planning for the week is the best way to keep our spending down and healthy habits up. Adding ‘pizza night’ a few Friday’s per month gives our whole family something to look forward to.

For me, a ‘Mom-win’ is to have my picky 3 year old eat all of her dinner, play outside, take a bath and be in bed for stories at 7:30. By Friday we’re all pretty exhausted and pizza with a salad is the perfect break that leaves me more time to spend time with my family. I love being able to toss our favorite Red Baron® Sausage and Pepperoni Pizza in the oven while Sophie and I color with chalk on the driveway, waiting for Daddy to come home. That wonderful pizza smell welcomes us all into the house for an evening of fun.

Red Barron Friday Night

Red Barron-Mom win

Pizza Night

“Pizza is a secret weapon the whole family can agree on and has the power to bring peace, especially at meal time. The Baroness is the embodiment of support moms need during these moments of chaos at mealtime and beyond.”- Red Baron®

Add Pizza Friday to your meal plan. Next time you’re at Kroger, pick up your family’s favorite Red Baron pizza.  Become your own #wingmama by joining the Red Baroness campaign, created for moms by moms. The Baroness is a mom who may not always do things by the book, but she does get the job done to ensure her family is well taken care of. She’s a mom in the real world, and is proud to be perfectly imperfect.

Typically, moms don’t get rewarded for the wins. We [Red Baron®] liked that the patches can be a fun way to celebrate other moms from the sincerest, to the most ridiculous parenting moments. Do you have a parenting “war story” you’d like to tell?  You can earn your very own Mom Badge on Twitter when you share your story!   Be sure to use #wingmama and tag @Baroness when you share!!

Red Barroness

Friday Night Mom Win

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Pizza Friday

Green BEAN Delivery

When we first moved back to Indy, I didn’t know anyone that was less than a 45 min drive from our town. I got on MeetUp and found this mom group called theCityMoms and was excited but nervous to start making new friends from scratch. I’m now very thankful I ran across this group because I’ve met a lot of awesome women and done some pretty cool events with them!

GreenBEAN delivery vase
GreenBEAN delivery

Green BEAN Delivery

As a CityMom I was invited to attend a luncheon at GreenBEAN Delivery to better understand the behind the scenes business side of a product that makes a mom’s life so much less stressful. GreenBEAN Delivery is a grocery distributor that has this goal in mind:

‘Our goal is to make healthy and sustainably-grown local food affordable, accessible, and convenient to the Midwest communities we serve.’

Green BEAN has access to a large majority of their inventory through the two farms they own and operate in Sheridan, IN and Mason, OH. What does this mean for us moms? Fruit and veggies that will last over a week because it’s coming from the farm to Green BEAN and delivered to our table without the wait time of a conventional grocery store. For parents with toddlers who like a fruit one day and hate it the next, this is a huge money saver!

While we were at the Green BEAN headquarters in Indianapolis we were taught the importance of healthy eating and introducing it in fresh ways to our children. The husband/wife team Matt and Beth shared the importance of mending the America’s broken food system by connecting rural farming with urban communities.

GreenBEAN delivery

GreenBEAN delivery

Beth gave a demonstration on how we can implement fresh veggies everyday for a quick delicious lunch. Her solution:

GreenBEAN mason jar salad

Mason Jar Salad

Mine included (in order from bottom to top)

  • Sweet Onion Dijon dressing (or dressing of your choice)
  • Pecans
  • Feta cheese
  • Watermelon Radishes (I can’t WAIT for these to be back in season!)
  • Hard-boiled egg
  • Heirloom cherry tomatoes
  • Leafy greens & spinach

There are thousands of combinations you could do to make your own mason jar salad. I recommend using a jar with a wide mouth opening so you can easily reach  your hand in while making it and eating it. The best part is that it doesn’t dirty up dishes! Just pull out your organic ingredients, add them to the jar and use that as your lunch box and bowl!

GreenBEAN Delivery

I love the food Green BEAN Delivery distributes almost as much as their heart behind the mission. Living in the midwest, we have a very short window of opportunity to get fresh veggies that are only found at the farmers market. Those naval oranges aren’t in season here in IN (not to mention you’d have to pay a pretty penny to buy a fresh orange in IN) but they’re straight from a farm in CA that has a great relationship with Green BEAN. Having fresh fruits for a snack with Soph after school and grilling fresh veggies on the grill made our family feel great. We were very surprised by the quality and longevity of the produce.

I’ve partnered up with Green BEAN to get you a $15 off your first order because I want everyone to have the chance to try those naval oranges, oh and the Sweet Onion Dijon, oh and the heirloom tomatoes, OH! and don’t forget about the watermelon radishes! Let’s just say, we’ll be eating more fresh fruits and veggies from now on.

Promo code: DIYMAMA

To win a $35 giftcard as a new member, go follow me on Twitter! Ends 8/20

This promo code is only valid for new members who are just signing up for Green BEAN Delivery and also for past members who are reactivating their account with us. The promotional code can’t be coupled with any other discounts.

What Real Moms Want for Mother’s Day

Being a Mom is AWESOME. However, sometimes we have a hard time not letting it define us. Personally, I catch myself worrying about being the ‘best’ mom ever. It doesn’t matter if I am the ‘best’ Mom but rather a caring, attentive, adventurous, and patient Mom for our daughter. Lately I’ve been working on being more patient and resilient when it comes to arguments and tantrums with her. There are always good days and not so good days, which is why I’m looking forward to a day where I am the Queen Bee.

Mother's Day Flowers

Here is how my dream Mother’s Day would look.

8:00- Wake up: Breakfast in bed paired with big hugs.
9:00-12:00- Alone time: A mani/pedi, trip to Target or the house to myself (lunch included).
12:00-1:00- Nap: Snuggling my little girl.
1:00-2:00- Presents: Something homemade is always best for this DIY mama.
2:00-5:00- Help: Planting new flowers in my window box or help with a tough chore like window washing (yes, I would choose to work on my special day).
5:00-7:00- Dinner: Preferably out somewhere we haven’t been that has outdoor seating.
7:00-Bed- The following are based on how I’m feeling, either way, I want it to be relaxing. Either a bath and an early bed time or a martini and a movie of my choice.

If there were more hours I’d add in doing some kind of craft project but I’ll leave that for another day. If you’re looking to do a DIY project for a Mom you know, here are some of my favorites:

6 Easy DIY Mother’s Day Gifts

DIY Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Ceramic Ring Holder by The Style Files
Macrame Plant Hanger by heyLilahey
Embroidered Picnic Blanket by Lovely Indeed
No Sew Rope Basket by Alice and Lois
Dip Dyed Napkins by Sugar Bee Crafts
Incense Holder by Curbly

To me, Mother’s Day should be the perfect mix of alone time and family time. A little time pampering and a little time working. What would your perfect Mother’s Day look like?
