
Don’t forget to play

Don't forget to play
On Sundays I try to schedule my week ahead. I meal plan, get the groceries, prep food and add tasks I want to get done for the week. My planner has an area for the top three things I want to accomplish each day, which I love. There’s also an area for more to-do. This is the area that I’m very bad at filling. I know that I have one hour between 8-6:30 to work on a project. I have one hour that I KNOW she won’t wake up and I don’t have Jeffrey to spend time with. Sometimes I get frustrated that I get so little done. I want to create more for this blog, write for other blogs, sew a quilt, paint, garden and plan for Disney all during that hour. Sometimes I sigh when I hear her stirring from her nap wishing I had ‘just five more minutes’. In the end, I don’t want those five more minutes. I want every single minute I have with her to play, explore, dance, giggle and learn! She is my work and play and I’m beyond lucky to spend my days with her. I must remember: don’t forget to play.

All You Need Is Love

All You Need Is Love

Love is powerful and complicated. To truly love someone means to love yourself first. I often think my heart will burst with the amount of love I have for my family. It is physically painful sometimes to think about how amazing and special Sophie is to me. I am learning, in order to be a great wife, mom, daughter, and friend, I have to love and take care of myself first. All you need is love. How do you love yourself to be better for others?

Good Morning Beautiful

Good Morning Beautiful

I woke up to this when I was younger. My husband whispered this to me when I was older. Now I greet my daughter with ‘good morning beautiful’ every day. On most days she wakes up to ‘Here Comes the Sun’ by The Beatles playing softly on the record player. Mornings are my favorite. The sun streams through the windows in our bedroom at the most perfect angle and the world is my oyster.

New Beginnings

New Beginnings
Spring is here and with it are signs of new beginnings everywhere. For me, there are new beginnings happening all over the place! My 5K training is in full swing now in my second week. We are continuing our #whole30 eating habits during the weeks while allowing for some wiggle room on the weekends. To be truthful, I’m a little afraid for our bank account once I attain my goal body type. My closet isn’t going to know what hit him. In other news, I’m starting to really focus on researching Montessori practices in the home. Unfortunately, we can’t implement these practices as our lil bean has a immobilizing cast up to her thigh from three broken toes. The slides in the neighborhood are no joke people! All it means is tons of cuddles and movie watching though, so bring it on! What are you getting started on this spring? Spring cleaning, prepping your flower beds or still shoveling snow?
