
The Secret Killer

shameShame is a hard thing to overcome. One can not even feel vulnerable unless they get past shame. Brene Brown wrote the quote ‘the secret killer of innovation is shame’ in Daring Greatly in regards to people never putting themselves out there for fear of what others think. My heart aches for the people who don’t share their music, art, writings or newest invention because they are worried about criticism. They see their work as a representation of their whole self and if someone doesn’t like something they create, they must not like them. Imagine where the world would be if everyone was afraid of what others thought about what they create. Be brave. Overcome shame.

Dust Yourself Off

dust-yourself-offLike my girl Aaliyah used to say, ‘If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again.’ I think this is a great reminder to all people, of every age, everywhere. My niece just learned how to ride her bike with no training wheels and she is an amazing example of someone who bounces right back up after falling. She’s an inspiration. Sometimes it might take a little encouragement from a friend or loved one to help dust yourself off, but it’s always worth it in the end.

You Just Get Stronger


This quote could not have come at a more perfect time for me. Lexi (our dog) had surgery last week. If you’ve ever had a dog who has to wear ‘the cone of shame,’ you know how sad it is to watch them be so miserable. Add on top of Lexi’s pain the fact that I had to constantly keep Sophie from playing with her best friend. We decided it’d be best if Sophie went to Grandma and Grandpa’s for the week to let Lexi get a full week of restful recovery. I’ve never been more than 20 minutes away from my Soph and it’s really hard. It will be really hard to take her to pre-school, Kindergarten, her driver’s test, and college, but I will get stronger with each one.

Just Be You

just-be-youThere are a lot of things that I don’t like about myself. Those are also some of the things that other people like about me. I’ve recently realized that I need to just be myself to make myself and others happy. Just be you. Maybe your voice gets really loud when you get excited. Maybe your emotions change with the blink of an eye for no reason. Maybe you get frustrated with traffic, your hair, your kids yelling, your dog licking or the sound of someone chewing. Maybe you snort when you laugh. There are a ton of things that you might want to change about yourself, but don’t. Just be you.
