blog course

Busy Bee

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a fun filled weekend with your families! We did some grilling, stopped at the farmer’s market and worked on lots of projects. We’re on a deadline to get our deck finished so it will be ready for staining in a couple of weeks. Because of this deadline, I’ll be taking a week off from blogging. I’ve noticed that with the little bean up for longer periods of time, I’ve not been able to do many projects and I don’t get a break once Daddy comes home because the poor guy goes straight out to work on the deck. I have two big projects that I want to finish this week as well as work on my blog course. I thought it would be better to take a break and feel good about the progress I’ve made rather than to write filler posts. I hope you all have a lovely week and I’ll catch up with you Friday for #AAF!! 🙂

