
Favorite Things Giveaway

Hello friends! I’m so excited to be sharing a few of my faaaavorite things (don’t I sound like Julie Andrews?) This is the first giveaway I’ve been a part of and I’m so happy to be joined by my all time favorite bloggers! favorite things giveawayThe best part…it’s all being given away free! Also, it’s my Mom’s Birthday so I’m sort of celebrating her for being such a great role model as a mother, friend, wife, crafter and great dancer!

To enter:

  • Check out my gift up close
  • Enter the giveaway for my sweet bundle with the rafflecopter below
  • Hop over to my creative friend’s sites and enter their giveaway (you won’t be disappointed!)

There will be 9 WINNERS! You must enter the giveaway at each blogger’s site to be eligible to win their bundle.


1. Ellie: Ellie Petrov / 2. Sarah: Beauty School Drop Out / 3. Shelly: DIY Mama
4. Karen: Book Delight / 5. Lisa: Expandng / 6. Dean: Mrs. AOK
7. Jana: Jana Says / 8. NJ: A Cookie Before Dinner / 9. Kathleen: Kapachino

I have not been asked to promote or been compensated to share any of these items today, I just like them all and thought you would like them too. I am so very thankful to you all for reading DIY Mama, for checking out my parenting ideas, lifestyle tips and crafty projects (failures included), you are the inspiration to share my life on this bloggy site!


 bundle-giveawayCollapsible Storage Bin / Vera Bradley Pocket Notebook


Daring Greatly / $10 Starbucks Giftcard


‘Create’ Mini Painting by DIY Mama


Ghirardelli Chocolate / Sipping Chocolate / Caramel Mini Candle


Express Rose Gold Clutch / OPI Strawberry Margarita Polish / Coconut Pacifica Perfume

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Great luck! I hope you enjoy some of my favorite things and don’t forget to go check out my buddy’s sites for more chances to win awesome goodies!

December Goals

december1Happy December everyone! It’s the last month of 2014 and instead of rushing around trying to meet all your goals, accomplish all your deadlines and make this ‘the best holiday season ever’, I say to relax. Take a minute and look back on your year to see all that you have accomplished!

Let’s see how I did on my November goals. I took Soph to every Baby Loves Books (that she was in town and we weren’t sick) as well as did a couch date once per week with Jeffrey (usually in the form of a Red Box movie.) We also got down two new signs with Sophie (more and hi.) For my ‘life’ goals, I got two Project Life spreads done! I also swam at least twice/week, for the three weeks I wasn’t sick, and did a meal plan every Sunday for the upcoming week. My ‘blog’ goals were the toughest to accomplish (as always) because I always put these goals last. I reached 1k followers on Pinterest (YAY), shot the photos for my TOP SECRET project coming up next month and did a couple Blog Life sessions. I did not revamp any old posts or do any new pinnable images, but I’m ok with that.


Now for the fun part, my upcoming goals! My goals for December are going to be light hearted to leave lots of time and love for my family. We already have lots of holiday events planned for this month: Meeting Santa, Company Christmas party, Christmas shopping trip, neighborhood Christmas party, decorating our home, Christmas light scouting and traveling to our family’s for Christmas.


  • Go sledding & build a snow man
  • Transition Sophie to big bed
  • Lots of snuggling


  • Make advent calendar, stockings & Christmas cards
  • Make Christmas gifts for friends and family
  • ‘Fill the Freezer’


  • Have a successful Favorite Things Giveaway on the 3rd!
  • 3 Blog Life Sessions
  • Announce TOP SECRET project

stantaWhat are your goals for this holiday season? Are you going to try to jam it full of as many fun activities as possible or are you going to relax by the fire? I’m hoping to do a little of both (plus hot chocolate.) I’d love to hear what goals you have planned for this month or if you’re thinking of a resolution for 2015!


Gift Guide for 1 Year Olds

Hello friends! I have a 4 year old niece who is awesome and super fun to shop for at the holidays. I also have a one year old, of my own, who is terribly difficult to buy gifts have been extremely lucky to know generous friends and family who give us toys, books and clothes second hand so she is swimming in STUFF.

Sophie also just had her Birthday where people said ‘what does Sophie need for her Birthday?’ and I would reply with ‘I have no idea because she has everything in the world’ (and I wasn’t joking.) She ended up getting some really thoughtful gifts that we were all happy to receive and bring into our home and here comes Christmas and people are, yet again, asking ‘what does Sophie need for Christmas?’ I realize, unless you are the parent or guardian of the child, you have no idea what to get the child. Perhaps the child already has that toy, perhaps the parents don’t want them to have that toy, maybe there is already too many toys, books and clothes that the parents are considering buying a bigger home to fit everything (all of these are very real possibilities.) I wanted to do a round up of some of Sophie’s favorite toys or toys that would be awesome for a 1 year old to receive.

Handmade Toys:


DIY Quiet Book. I’d love to make a felt quiet book for Sophie to play with in the car, at a restaurant or on trips. I found this amazing site on clever activities to add to your quiet book but you could always buy one on Amazon.


DIY Teepee. I think little forts, nooks, tents and teepees are awesome little areas for kids to have playtime or reading time. How fun is this teepee Jen made for her daughter?!


DIY Dress-up Wings. I am obsessed with this skirt/wings combo for dress up (or the grocery store.) Lier makes amazing costumes for her kid’s and these dress-up wings are no exception!


DIY Zipper Monsters. I’ve never sewed a stuffed animal or even added a zipper to anything but these zipper pouched monsters are amazing! Kids can hide things in their mouths!

Store Bought Toys:


Sorting Cube. Sorting cubes are a great learning toy for toddlers. I like this Melissa and Doug version because, Sophie who just turned one, can’t figure out how to put the shapes in yet, but she loves taking colorful shapes in and out of buckets. She’ll learn soon enough how to sort the shapes in the correct holes.


Mega Blocks. Mega Blocks are an awesome pre-Duplo/pre-Lego toy that little toddlers can use to stack and build towers.


Water Table. There are a ton of different water tables out there. You can even make your own out of PVC pipe! I liked this Step2 water table for someone Sophie’s size because more than one kid can play at once and there’s a lot of space reserved for splashing.


Wood Blocks. You can’t go wrong with wood toys and wood blocks are a staple in every kid’s toy box. They’re great for learning numbers, letters, colors and how to be destructive like Godzilla.


Indestructible Books. My sister bought Soph a few of these indestructible books and they are awesome. These books are tear proof, chew proof, water proof books with beautiful illustrations.


Musical Bath Toy. Sophie loves bath time but I know a lot of one year olds don’t like baths. These colorful dolphins make whistling noises when you dunk them into the water. I’m sure she can’t tell that they’re different tones but she loves bopping them to make them whistle!

Do you agree with me that 1 year olds are difficult to buy for? Especially if you’re not the parent or guardian. What is your go-to 1 year old present?? Usually they like the tissue paper and bag the gift comes in better than the present! Any tips on toy management so you don’t feel overwhelmed after holidays with TOYS?
