eva nyc

Easy Mom Hairstyles 3 Ways

I am working with Eva NYC on this beauty series but all thoughts and photography are my own. 

Easy Mom Hairstyles- Moming is hard no matter if you have babies, tweens, college age kids, you stay at home or you’re working out of the home…it’s all just hard. The thing I’ve learned over the past five years of being a mom, is that getting ready seriously improves my day. The first thing I do when I wake up, no matter what, is to make my bed. One tiny task accomplished first thing sets me up on a good path for the day. After having breakfast with my family before my husband heads off to work, feeding the baby and unloading the dishwasher it’s finally ‘me time’ while my baby naps. I take advantage of this time to speed shower, put on normal clothes and do my hair.

Eva NYC Primer- Feeling like you're running on empty? Self Love

In this season of my life I’m often wearing my hair up keeping it out of reach of the super grip of my babe. While a ponytail is super easy and quick I felt like it was so boring! recently discovered Eva NYC and have been using them while doing my self love care as well as my daughter’s hair. I really love the 10-1 Primer because it’s light on my hair but has so many benefits like detangling, reducing frizz, strengthens hair, softens, cuts drying time, adds shine, nourishes, smooths, and protects against thermal and UV damage. I always use the primer when I blow dry and straighten my hair. Lately I’ve been using the dry shampoo to help hold my style. I have thick hair but once I blowdry and straighten it can fall out of a style easily. The dry shampoo helps give it some texture to hold any teasing or braids I put in my hair.

Eva NYC styling dry shampoo and 10-1 primer are amazing hair products. Easy mom hairstyles that I can quickly do in the morning.

Eva NYC styling dry shampoo and 10-1 primer are amazing hair products. Easy mom hairstyles that I can quickly do in the morning.

Once I’ve got my hair prepped I usually resort to one of three hairstyles that will keep my hair out of my face for my day ahead.

  1. High Bun (playful style that you can switch up with different bows)
  2. Braided Crown Pony (perfect for hair that needs washed)
  3. French Braided Bun (can be used to transition to a girls night out)

Eva NYC styling dry shampoo and 10-1 primer are amazing hair products. Easy mom hairstyles that I can quickly do in the morning.

High Bun

The High Bun couldn’t be easier. If you have fine hair you can always use a bun sock to make your actual bun bigger. I like to use wraps or bows to something extra to this classic look. Sometimes I’ll pull out a few strands and curl them if I’m going somewhere nice.

Eva NYC styling dry shampoo and 10-1 primer are amazing hair products. Easy mom hairstyles that I can quickly do in the morning.
Braided Crown Pony

This could not be easier and it’s incredibly hard to mess up. Mine is not a true crown braid as I do not wrap the braid around but rather start at a very exaggerated part and braid down both sides of my head. I then pull the braid to make it bigger, wrap an elastic making a low braid and wrap extra hair around my elastic.

Eva NYC styling dry shampoo and 10-1 primer are amazing hair products. Easy mom hairstyles that I can quickly do in the morning.

French Braided Bun

If you’re nervous about braids, don’t be. As you can see, mine are rarely perfect but they still do a great job holding my hair back and get lots of compliments. Practice while you’re watching TV and soon you’ll get really good. My biggest tip is to not use a mirror. With this braid I simply teased the top of my hair, braided it back down my head and wrapped the end in a bun. Stays secure but doesn’t give my the headache that I sometimes get with a high bun. I will wear this style in lieu of a french twist because I still can’t get that one down.

Eva NYC styling dry shampoo and 10-1 primer are amazing hair products. Easy mom hairstyles that I can quickly do in the morning.

I think the Eva NYC mini healthy heat pro-power dryer and mini healthy heat ceramic flat iron are the cutest things ever. They’re so perfect for when we travel to Chicago every other month to visit my in-laws. I love that the blow dryer comes with a diffuser as well as a director. The tourmaline-infused ceramic components radiate far-infrared heat and emit negative ions, which lock in moisture, eliminate frizz and speed up the drying process. Also, finding Eva NYC couldn’t be easier. They’re now at Meijer! Super easy to pick up more of my favorite Eva NYC products while I’m shopping with the girls. I’m actually planning on getting a few sets of these travel sized tools to give to my girl friends for Christmas!

Feel Like You’re Running On Empty?

Feel like you’re running on empty?– In accepting, understanding and ultimately overcoming mom burnout you will begin to experience your life full of love, joy and connection. I see it every day in moms at the library, park or grocery. That zombie look in their eyes just going through the motion of whatever task is at hand. It’s not that they don’t love being moms and taking care of their families but rather that they’re putting everyone else before themselves. There’s never any time or energy left for us at the end of the day.

What to Do for Self Love

I’ve learned that I need to do something for myself, just by myself, once a week. With a new baby and a five year old, showering alone sometimes feels like an oasis. When I’m able to take time to pamper myself, specifically how I look, I’m happier and feel more connected to myself as a person rather than just a ‘mom.’

Eva NYC Hair Wrap- Feeling like you're running on empty? Self Love

Eva NYC Conditioner- Feeling like you're running on empty? Self Love

Eva NYC must have known I was needing some self love action and sent me a box packed full of pampering goodness. This past weekend, after sitting in a car for four hours, dancing at a concert for three hours and sitting in a car for another four hours on the way home, I was exhausted. I felt like I used a whole weekend abusing my out of shape ‘mom bod’ by sitting and dancing and I needed some serious pampering Sunday night.


My hair hadn’t been washed since the previous Sunday when I’d gotten a blow-out and was definitely ready for some love. I gave my hair a serious wash and followed it by combing the Eva NYC Soften Up Conditioner through my hair. Words can’t describe the de-tangling effects of this conditioner. Remember, I hadn’t washed or brushed it in a week. The Argan oil feeds hair with vitamins and nutrients, while Keravis™ delivers optimal anti-breakage benefits and is scientifically proven to dramatically increase strength and flexibility. After I hopped out of the shower I put on their Skip the Spa Thermal Hair Wrap while my hair was still wet. The wrap is an innovative, deep conditioning treatment that is clinically proven to moisturize, nourish and repair dry and damaged hair. Infused with 38 plant oils and extracts, including Argan oil, this hair wrap uses your body heat to activate the nutritive ingredients resulting in rejuvenated, healthier locks.

Clinical Trials Confirm:

  • Immediate improvement in damaged hair
  • 7 days of shiny, glowing hair
  • 9 days of hydrated hair

Eva NYC Primer- Feeling like you're running on empty? Self Love

Eva NYC Primer- Feeling like you're running on empty? Self Love

After removing the thermal hair wrap my hair smelled and felt like I’d just gotten an expensive hair treatment at the salon. My last step was to finish it off by spraying the product that everyone raves about: Mane Magic 10-in-1 Primer (it detangles, reduces frizz, strengthens, softens, cuts drying time, adds shine, nourishes, smooths, and protects against thermal and UV damage.) I lightly sprayed the primer all over my hair and scrunched my curls before heading down to watch a movie with my family completely refreshed. I typically let my curls air dry at night and in the morning I’ll refine a few curls with a curling iron and be good to go. My hair the next morning was still so soft and I felt so great about the day ahead.

I loved all of these products so much. I’m so excited that they’re not being sold at Meijer so I can easily grab them while I’m out getting groceries for the week!

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Eva NYC Primer- Feeling like you're running on empty? Self Love

