
Keep Calm and Make a List

The beginning of the year is supposed to be the time we set our goals and organize our life to be happier, more efficient people. Right? It’s the 19th of January and I feel as though everything I’ve scheduled in my planner this month has gone by the wayside to make room for, what seems like, nothing. I lost an entire week to a sick toddler and rather than being happy to snuggle my little girl, comforting her in my arms, I felt anxiety over everything I wasn’t accomplishing. Now you know my biggest guilt. I wish I would have seen this quote then. Keep calm and make a list.

Making a list, especially during a time when I can’t accomplish that task, helps my mind calm down. Even if my list is 50 items long and entirely too much to accomplish in the time frame I’ve given, it helps to just write them out and prioritize them. Many times those items that aren’t checked off at the end of the week are things that I realize didn’t need to be done anyway. It’s most helpful for me to take an hour on Sunday morning to make my meal plan, order our groceries from the store and write out my most important goals for the week. If I’m good, I’ll write them out in my planner, but otherwise will just make a list and stick it to the fridge.

Keep Calm and Make a List
Keep calm and make a list

If you’re having a hard time focusing on what you should be spending your time with, make a list. If you feel like you’re completely exhausted at the end of every day, make a list, there might be a way to better prioritize your goals. I keep a notebook by my bedside so I can let all my ramblings out of my head and onto paper for better sleep. I never look at that list but it is there to help me sleep at night. Let me know what helps calm you when you’re mind won’t slow down.

Keeping Your Move Less Stressful

I am poor at managing my stress. I have been working on it for almost two years since I had been getting tension headaches after having Sophie. I thought my headaches were from the posture I held while carrying a baby. Although that was a portion of the problem, the real problem was stress. I would catch myself tensing my jaw even while doing something that was supposed to be relaxing (like coloring or doing my nails). I am still constantly reminding myself to put my shoulders down because they’re almost always up by my ears. I have a great life, being a stay at home mom, having time to be creative and explore new places with my family, but I still get tension headaches.

This move has brought on a whole new level of stress and I’ve had to work overtime on managing my pain. To some, it may seem like I’m pushing aside moving tasks because I’m lazy or procrastinating. In reality, I know my limits and am trying to be proactive about my stress rather than waiting until I’m snapping at my family because of the pain.
Moving Toddler

Here are my top 5 tips to keeping your move less stressful:

1. Schedule mini-trips to explore your new (or current) town. This is my number one tip, especially if you have children. You should schedule in several days of fun, starting with the packing period all the way through the unpacking period. At least twice per week I took Sophie somewhere fun for an afternoon. We had water park and park fun when we were at the IL house and we’ve now visited the zoo, several museums and the fair here in our IN house. You don’t have to do expensive trips, like museums even. Try going to a splash pad at a park or take a bike ride on a new trail. Visit your library for an activity day or friends and family. We brought our own snacks to a baseball game one evening for family fun.

Once you move into your new home, you’ll feel even more busy and rushed than before. It’s the perfect time to do a day trip to a lake or amusement park so you have no way of working on the house. I was not looking forward to the trip we’d scheduled this past weekend knowing that we’ll be gone for several weekends coming up. The trip to the lake was exactly what each of us needed.
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2. Set a bedtime alarm. I heard this tip on Gretchen Rubin’s podcast Happier and have been loving the concept. Although a morning alarm is very important, so is a night alarm. If you’re working hard at unpacking/organizing/painting or any of the other active jobs associated with moving to a new home, your brain can forget to notice the time. You’ll have a much easier time winding down, having a restful sleep and having an easier morning if you set a bedtime alarm. This doesn’t have to mean going to sleep, but at least getting into bed and turning off devices. Let your brain and body slow down before hitting the pillow.

3. Do yoga or meditation every day. I can honestly say that I am the worst at practicing yoga and meditation. Either I completely forget or have some kind of excuse as to why I can’t take 5-20 minutes practicing these tasks that help me so much. When I stayed at my sister’s we did yoga a few nights one week before bed to unwind. It was amazing. It helped to clear my mind of the 1300 things running through my head and gave attention to my poor body that I’d ran ragged. You may not choose to spend 30-60 minutes working out during your move but you should, at very minimum, get an app to help you do yoga or meditation. I use the free Take a Break app at the beginning of Sophie’s nap for 5-15 minutes to release the pent up stress from the morning’s activities and get my head straight for the power-work I’ll do during her nap. If you don’t have little ones that nap, as soon as you wake up or before bed are great times to use this app.IMG_0772

4. Cook one meal per day. This is one thing we didn’t do and I have regretted. I was in the mindset that I had so much other work in planning/packing that I didn’t want to spend time meal planning, cooking and cleaning dishes, so we ate out a lot. 1. This was not good for our bank account. 2. (Most importantly) this was not good for our bodies. When you’re mind and body are stressed from moving, you need to fuel it with healthy foods so it may perform well. Our bodies were not performing well because of the food we ate which resulted in both of us getting sick. We also gained weight because eating unhealthy and not making exercise our priority caught up with us. Taking time to show your family and your body love by cooking a healthy meal will go a long way during your move.

5. Pamper yourself. This is my favorite stress-reducing tip. Take time to pamper yourself, whether that’s getting a massage or facial at a salon or just doing your own nails and taking a bubble bath at home. Perhaps just taking time for yourself to run outside or see a movie alone is your definition of pampering. There’s no doubt, that if you’re reading this article, you’ve been working really hard during this stressful time. You need to take care of yourself before you’re able to successfully take care of others. Sometimes you just need to put blinders on to the boxes towering around you and do something for yourself. Once you do, you’ll be happier and more energized to knock out your to-do list.

I’ve also made this cute infographic if you’re interested in pinning for your next move!

Less Stress During Your MoveWhat have you learned with your previous moves? Has anything in particular worked for helping you to not cry for a week straight or yell at your dog to stop licking you? I can admit that I am less than pleasant when I’m stressed, which is why I must pay a lot of attention to these 5 tips above.


breatheIt’s summer which means the kids are home and vacations are in full swing! We just had an amazing week visiting our family and when I came home I felt like I needed to unpack everything, wash all the clothes and clean the house?? Why? Sometimes I need to remind myself to just breathe. When I’m feeling anxious or hurried, breathing a few deep breaths really calms me down. How do you calm down?


Stress Sucks

Hi Friends. I’m writing this with my hair, wet, piled on top of my head, smelling like Sponge Bob watermelon bubble bath and listening to the top 50 songs of the 90’s. Sometimes life is so exciting and fun that it stresses me out. Silliest thing ever. I wish I could just be happy for the awesomeness that is my life and be nothing but grateful for who I am. But sometimes I cry for no reason at all. I literally can not think of what is making me cry or even what triggered the tears. This is why I’m thankful that I always have my understanding husband near by to rub my back, draw a bath and tell me ‘it’s ok.’ It’s ok to cry, life is ok, everything is ok. I know, as a woman, as a mom, as a sister, daughter and friend, we put on our best face when we see friends and family. We get to see our friends and family such a small amount that I don’t ever want to waste time not being happy while I’m with them. Sometimes I just need a distraction from…well life I guess. I need to make my brain stop thinking about the laundry I need to do or the mulch I need to spread or the bottles that need to be made (all of these things were pushed aside for my bath tonight.) Stress sucks and sometimes you just need to do something else.

Camera 360My all-time best stress reliever is to color. I could color for an entire day. I especially love coloring with someone. You have to find something that you enjoy coloring though. My favorite medium is Crayola crayons and I like coloring design books. My newest coloring book is Secret Garden because it takes so long to complete a page (of which I have yet to do) and the pictures are beautiful! Doing my nails and painting also helps to focus my mind towards creativity. secret gardenBubble baths are another way I relax. I force myself to not think, which is basically meditation. I have a hard time meditating, so to block out thoughts, I have a mantra I like to say. As I inhale through my nose, I say ‘Thank you’ and as I exhale I say ‘I love you.’ It helps refocus my mindset to a positive place. helperPlaying a game also helps me snap out of a funk. We have a TON of board games but I also really like Dance Central and Rock Band. I enjoy our board games because I have to strategize while playing and I just plain LOVE singing and dancing so DC and RB are an obvious fit for me. Again, for me, these things are better when there’s a lot of people but I also really like when it’s just Jeffrey and I playing. CarcassonneBeing outside is a great way to help me relieve stress. The sun really affects my mood, so if it’s sunny, being outside automatically helps me feel better. For me, planting flowers is my favorite hobby while outside but a lot of people find walking, reading or playing sports to be the best way to relieve stress. flower Another great way to calm my mind is to escape in a book. I’m a teen nerd girl at heart and love reading YA books. I’m usually reading a few books at a time so I can choose based on my mood. I’ll switch it up between a YA/beach read and something educational/motivational.

readI really want to go do all of these things right now! What are some of the methods you use to help relieve stress? I’m always up for trying something new!

