
Summer Concerts at Klipsch in Noblesville

Summer concerts at Klipsch are almost a requirement if you live anywhere near Noblesville. Luckily, I live by no less than 30 music venues within an hour’s drive. My favorite venues tend to be outdoor because of the ‘laid back’ feel. Klipsch has the best of both worlds with seats under an awning as well as lawn seats.

Like any new venue, be sure to check out the Klipsch Music Center rules. TIP: They allow food and drinks into most concerts!

My first concert was Johhny Cougar Mellencamp. Definitely a Hoosier.

I’ve shared the 5 things you need to know before visiting Klipsch Music Center in Noblesville over at Visit Hamilton County Indiana.

2017 Summer Concerts at Klipsch:

Klipsch 2017 concert series

Click KLIPSCH-2017 for the free printable to hang on your fridge! Make sure you don’t miss out!

Summer Concerts at Klipsch


Let’s Do It!

let's do itThis summer’s motto: let’s do it! I’ve realized recently that we can’t live life thinking ‘what if ____ happens.’ Living life that way, we’ d miss out on a lot of great memories. We survived taking our 9mo baby on a 12 hour road trip and had an absolutely amazing time. Sometimes we do things that I’m sure people say ‘why are they doing that?’ like taking our bean to Kohl’s at 10:30 this weekend, letting Soph climb into the shower with me with all of her clothes on because she’s being needy or as everyone with babies is leaving the festival for the night, we’re just going! If our girl is happy though, we’re happy. We want her to experience all the awesomness that this world has to offer and we’re not going to say ‘what if ____ happens’ but ‘let’s do it!’

Summer Lovin’


Hey beach babes! So this past Saturday was summer solstice which makes me super sad!! It means winter and darkness is right around the corner! Not really…I’m just being a bit dramatic. For real though, it does mean that it’ll start getting darker earlier at night and stay dark in the mornings. So while it’s still summer and the days are long, fill them with fun! Spend time outside, drenched in sweat, hair frizzy, getting crazy tan lines because you can! Go to the drive-in, a local carnival, find an apartment pool and beg to be let in if you have to! Just enjoy it!


Friday Finds: Creative Summer

One of my favorite things about blogging is following other bloggers for inspiration. Inspiration on craft projects, home decor, recipes and their every day life. I use Feedly to follow my favorite blogs and realized that I’ve only been checking in on them once/week. I follow a lot of them on Instagram, so I’ll see snippets of what they’re working on throughout the week, but I’ve lost touch of reading all the posts that I’d like. I decided that I wanted to showcase 5 finds per week that I’ve come across in the past week. I’ll do my best to not repeat the same bloggers but sometimes they have such awesome ideas that I’ll have to share them with you!

5.22 findss

This week’s finds were very inspirational to me in the way of creating and looking forward to summer.

  1. The giant painting by Maurice Gollota was spotted on Design Files. I have a massive canvas that I’ve entitled ‘Procrastination’ because it has been partially finished for at least 3  years…and has hung in a prominent space of my home for that amount of time! I NEED to finish it and I was drooling over the colors in this piece. I really love the pastels mixed with the neons and think I’ll take that route with my painting.
  2. In LOVE with this simple leather notebook Mandi made at Vintage Revivals. So much so that I bought a Cricut Explore!! I KNOW! I’m still giddy about it! I sold my Cricut at our yard sale this past weekend and promptly bought the Explore to make decorations for my sister’s Sprinkle! IT. IS. AMAZING. If you’ve not looked into all the awesome features, just go here.
  3. I’m not sure you feel this way but I just want to say ‘awwwwe!’ to this sweet pom pom throw by Ash at Sugar & Cloth. I love the colors and I love the thought of having a light weight throw for summer nights out on the deck to keep the dew off. I have to make it.
  4. These dreamy pergola curtains, found on A Beautiful Mess, are the inspiration for my newest outdoor diy project. I currently have sheer outdoor curtains that are constantly flapping everywhere because of our harsh winds. This tutorial, by Laura, uses a thicker fabric, drapery weights and stationary grommets to hold the curtain in place. I’m excited because I’ll get to buy a new tool–grommet punch!
  5. Cutest cakes ever came from a mistake! Kelly, at Studio DIY, was so clever to make a failed cake attempt into these popsicle shaped cakes. I thought these guys looked adorable especially with their decorated popsicle sticks!

Anyone else feeling inspired to get creative? Maybe just hungry for cake…or popsicles? Anyone have plans for Memorial Day weekend?! I’ll be (finally) celebrating my Mom for Mother’s Day, celebrating my sister and brother on their new baby and cheering on Dario Franchitti at the Indy 500! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


