The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Dissapeared

Page Turners Book Selection: February

Hi friends! We’re so happy to announce our book selection for February! We wanted to give you plenty of time to get your hands on a copy. So, without further ado, our book selection for February is:


 The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out The Window and Dissapeared by Jonas Jonasson

It’s about a 100 year old man who decides he’s not going live in a nursing home anymore and starts a new adventure. Maybe I’ll be inspired by it!
I’ve seen this cover all over the place and was curious. Like most books, I see it on an endcap somewhere, read the back, check out it’s ratings on Amazon and usually end up getting it from the library. This book was no exception, other than I got it on Kindle because it looked so good!


Remember that there are only 28 days in February, so start reading as soon as you’re done with January’s book selection, Eat Pray Love! We’ll be discussing Eat Pray Love on January 30th. Lisa and I will have separate questions on each of our blogs so you can participate in either or both discussions.

PS. Seriously loving Eat Pray Love. In search of japa mala beads and she’s not even to India yet! Also, I’ve started meditating.
