Tuesday Truth

Seek Curiosity

Follow your curiosity

Seek Curiosity

I’ve been listening to a lot of TedTalk Radio Hour while working out, driving, or doing yard work. It’s the perfect length of time for me to stay engaged and have time to listen, learn and marinade on a specific topic. Yesterday I listened to The Source of Creativity (you can listen to the whole thing or just Liz Gilbert’s section, although I highly suggest listening to the entire hour). You might recognize Liz’s name as being the author of Eat, Pray, Love but she’s recently been focused on helping people push past their fear to focus on their creativity.

Although I’ve heard this idea multiple times, it’s currently resonating with me on a stronger level: ‘If you can let go of your passion and follow your curiosity, your curiosity just might lead to passion’. I am a very passionate person for a short amount of time. I’ll often change the entire course of my day to learn more or embrace one sentence that I read that day online. The next day it’s completely gone from my mind. I’ve learned that if I don’t create, write, photograph, or simply DO whatever I’m excited about that day, it will have no interest to me later on.

On the flip side, I have some passions that have always and will always be around but I don’t know how to switch gears and make those my lively hood, nor do I necessarily want them to. Disney is one of my biggest passions and when I had decided to work there for a semester in college, my family was a bit nervous that I would lose the magic I saw in The Mouse. Thankfully my curiosity lead me to follow through and it was one of the best experiences of my life.

I’m currently curious about horticulture. I’m re-doing the landscape to our new home and want to grow my first garden this summer. I’ve checked out books and videos on the best ‘kid friendly’ gardens in hopes to not waste time and money on my latest curiosity. Gardening is not currently a passion of mine but I’m curious what plants work here at this home and what vegetables would be fun for our family to grow. I’m pushing past my fear of wasting money, time and a sore back to learn something new. You only fail if you don’t try.

Eat Cake

Why do we feel the need to justify every single thing that we do? I wear many hats that people judge- mom, wife, and entrepreneur being my biggest roles. People will always have opinions on how you should be living. For example, when I had Sophie, I felt great pressure to breast feed her. I thought it was the only way she would grow a healthy body and mind. I was told it creates the necessary bond between a mom and baby. I was told the chemicals in formula are harmful to babies. I saw silent judgement on the eyes of moms who were breastfeeding while I was bottle feeding my baby. After lots of pain, time, tears and money I decided it wasn’t worth feeling like a failure. Sophie is now two with the body and mind of an awesome little girl. How I fed her is so tiny in comparison to everything that has occurred in her life.

Just last week I noticed myself thinking I was a bad wife. I was at a friend’s house for a playdate and she was frantically picking up all of the kid’s toys because her husband was due to be home. She’d mentioned she feels like he thinks she doesn’t do anything all day if they kid’s toys are in site. This made me think of our house when my husband gets home. Sophie and I are usually on the couch with a pile of books, play-doh art on the table, and puzzles that she just remembered she had. At first I thought- she’s right, it does look like I haven’t done anything all day. On my drive home I thought more about our family and the fact that I only have three hours alone to play with Sophie before the hustle and bustle of dinner and bedtime come. I do think it’s important for her to clean up her toys so we now do a quick sweep with her to put away all toys before bedtime stories. We have her do this now to show her that there’s a time that it’s ok to have toys around and play but we need to be responsible for our own messes. I think it’s more important for her to learn how to put away her own toys than it is for me to feel like a good wife because the house is clean when my husband gets home. As I’ve said before, ‘do you‘ and eat cake. It’s the only way you will truly be happy.

Eat cake.Eat Cake

Cheers to New Beginnings

Cheers to New Beginnings Inspirational Quote

Cheers to New Beginnings

Start somewhere. The first of a new year, although just a date in a calendar, is a great reminder that life has beginnings and endings throughout. I’m learning to end things that are toxic to my happiness. I encourage you to think about the various areas of your life that make you happiest as well as give you that pit in your stomach. Don’t push aside those bad feelings, but instead, face them and figure out why they’re controlling your emotions in a negative way. It might be a specific person that you’ve realized makes you feel obligated to continue their friendship or a house chore that is draining you and can easily be swapped with your partner’s chore. I noticed myself getting really burnt out on cooking and cleaning the kitchen, to the point we were ordering out because I didn’t want to clean the mess. I simply asked my husband to take turns cleaning the kitchen with me and we’ve eaten at home much more. That’s obviously a very simple issue to solve but yours might be too. Put your glass up and cheers to new beginnings in 2016. Your happiness is solely dependent on you.

just do you

Just Do YOU.There are so many amazing people in this world. All of them are different and unique. I’ve recently been learning to appreciate the greatness in people rather than mimic or strive to their potential. I’ve been pushing myself to be someone else with the blog. Someone that other people are asking me to be. I’ve not been successful being this other person and it hasn’t made me any happier. I’m now devoting myself to be the best ‘me.’ The best creator, mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend that I can be right now in my life. It’s not possible to give 100% of yourself to every person, but you can just do you to your best ability.

Self Love

Self loveI saw this quote this past weekend and had to stop a minute to really focus on it’s truth. ‘Myself’ would not be high up on the list. In fact, myself may not even be on the list without being reminded. For me, there are several people that I would put above myself. People that I would give my life for. Without being reminded though, there are a lot of things and places that I would put on the list before myself. This quote was an eye opener for self love and helped me realize that I need to work on my own. One way I’ve started dismissing the mean voice in my head is by deleting social media apps from my phone. I look at them too often and when I do I feel so bogged down with other people’s creations that it makes me feel like I’m not doing enough. It adds pressure to be better, do more, make it prettier and put off other things that are more important. I left Instagram because it’s more inspirational than belittling. I do limit myself to only looking at it twice/day. Have you ever struggled with self love? How do you shut down the negative voice inside your head?
