Tuesday Truth

Life is Messy

Life is messy and that's ok

As I sit here in my office (which is supposed to be a dining room) I am realizing that life is messy…and that’s ok. Yesterday I had to clean up a ‘dog mess’ on the carpet with countertop cleaner because I couldn’t find the box with the carpet cleaner. I haven’t done my hair or makeup this entire week because it’s also packed in a mystery box. I haven’t gotten around to finding Sophie a pediatrician for her annual check up coming up or set up a tour of the Montessori around the corner. What we have done is played at a park, museum or splash pad every day of this move. We’ve eaten what we’ve needed to eat to stay sustained but haven’t started back on that Whole30 we wanted to do before Disney. We’ve had arguments and miscommunications at 11 at night when our physical and mental abilities have been exhausted. What I know from all of this, is that we’re happy. We’re together in our new home with a roof over our head, food in our bellies and arms to hug. Don’t get caught up in all of the ‘I have tos’…just let life be messy.

Enjoy The Little Things

Enjoy the Little Things

Enjoy the little things. Summer is the perfect time to slow down and really appreciate what’s around you. My world has been in limbo for a while and I’m without schedule. I crave routine but I’m kind of enjoying taking it slow and discovering fun things around my new home in Indiana. We’ve spent our days reading at the library, exploring new parks and playing with our family. We’ve also been lucky enough to visit the zoo and attend a baseball game, but my favorite parts are always the little things at the big events. I loved the sun on my cheeks at the baseball game and Sophie’s joy of meeting new friends. My favorite part of the zoo was Sophie making the noises of the animals that we spend so much time reading about. What little things have you been noticing in your life lately?

Don’t Look Back

Don't look backDon’t look back. That’s not the way you’re going. This might seem repetitive to my last Tuesday Truth but it’s definitely a reoccurring mantra that I must remind myself. Not only is my family moving jobs, we’re moving homes and states! Whenever I find myself getting sad and nostalgic for our current home/town/friends, I have to remember that I’m lucky to have had these memories and there are more amazing memories to be made. It may take a while for me to adjust to our new home but I know it’s the best choice for our family and as soon as I can remember to look forward, I’ll be extremely thankful we moved to Indy.


Keep Moving Forward

Keep Moving Forward

If you follow me on social media, you already know, but all of the ‘behind the scenes’ planning that I’ve been doing is for our move back home to Indy. My emotions change about every 15 minutes on this matter. One second I can’t wait to be in Indy, closer to my family, Indians games, the Children’s Museum and my friends from home that I hardly see. The next second I’m thinking about how much I’ll miss this home we built, our amazing neighbors, being a SAHM, and all the stress that comes with buying/selling/showing/inspecting/paperwork etc. My stomach has felt like it’s been on a roller coaster all week because we are now in the thick of our move. My husband has given his 2 week notice and I can finally share my joy of our move with the world, but I’m scared. I’m excited for Jeffrey’s new job but I feel like I am dissapointing so many people by moving (out of the state or not close enough to them.) Unfortunately, I care too much about what my friends and family think and need to focus on making my immediate family as happy as I can. Being a good mom, wife and homemaker need to be my top priorities and I can’t keep worrying about everyone else. Sometimes I feel like everything is too much. All I want to do is close my eyes and sleep until it is all over, but that’s not how you live life. I would miss out on so much goodness if I let even just two weeks pass me by. I must keep moving forward.

Comfort Zone

Great things never came from comfort zones.I like comfort zones. I’ve always been fond of comfort zones. I’m now realizing that I’m always happiest when I step out of my comfort zone. My favorite decisions in life only happened because I was brave enough to try. Maybe for you, talking to people is difficult. Perhaps taking a trip alone sounds like an anxiety attack waiting to happen. It may be as small as taking your baby with you to the grocery. When I had just had Sophie, simple tasks were a huge chore. I had to tell myself to ‘just do it‘ and I was much happier once I did. Things always got easier. If you stay in your comfort zone, you’ll never grow.
