Tuesday Truth


tidy organized clean quote
I’m realizing more and more than this holds true for my life and well-being of my family’s lives. I understand that cleaning while having a child is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos, but I won’t give up! I’ve learned that if I keep the kitchen island and the entry console clean, I’m ok with clutter. Laundry, dishes piled in the sink and toys strewn can all wait until after Soph’s in bed or even the next day. Find your ‘spot’ that you need to tidy and stay cleared of clutter to keep your sanity. I’d love to know where your ‘spot’ is or if you’ve ever brushed your teeth while eating Oreos.

Stay Focused

living the dream

Have you ever had so many things on your to-do list that you were paralyzed? Sometimes I can not figure out where to start because there is so much to do. Right now, I’m lucky enough to have the time and resources to learning new programs to improve this blog.
I’m researching AdSense, Tailwind, CoSchedule and what program is best for graphics. I’m learning LightRoom for editing and organizing my photos while practicing photography. I just got a new video editing program for all of the video we’ve taken this past year. All of this is being accomplished during the 1 hour nap Sophie takes during the day and once she goes to bed. I’m so lucky to have the time and energy to put towards these passions but sometimes I just have to remember to keep my eye on the horizon and stay focused. One at a time.

Create Play Learn

Create. Play. Learn. These three things are what I live for. What I want my days, weeks, years to look like. Yes, there will always be chores, tasks, jobs to do but let’s all create, play and learn more. Take time to do these more and your life will definitely be more fulfilling. What are you working on creating, playing or learning more of?
