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Kings Island with Little Kids

Kings Island with Little Kids- I was invited by Cedar Fair to attend Kings Island-Largest Amusement & Waterpark in the Midwest , but all opinions and photos are my own.

The days of easily spending 12 hours thrill ride hopping are over but with it comes a new way of visiting amusement parks. We let our three year old be the guide while at Kings Island and were pleasantly surprised by all there was to experience. We spent most of the day in Planet Snoopy while still having a little time for Soak City Waterpark in the middle of the day. Here are a few tips and suggestions that we learned from our trip:

Kings Island with Little Kids

Kings Island with Little Kids

How to Save at Kings Island:

  • Tickets– one of the biggest ways to save is through tickets. The best place to find discounted tickets is online or at Kroger. If will be visiting the park more than once in a year it would be beneficial to buy a season pass. Right now you can save big on the 2018 season pass.
  • Food- In the past we have always eaten a hearty breakfast before our drive, packed a lunch in the car and had dinner in the parks. We always travel with our Camelbak full of water and refill at water fountains throughout the park. This year we decided to try out the All Day Dining Pass which allowed us a meal every 90 minutes for $30. We got only one, knowing that our daughter eats very little, and we could buy a snack if needed. The Dining Pass is only good for certain meals at certain locations. We also purchased the refillable souvenir cup where we were able to refill with lemonade or pop whenever we wanted. You can also get free ice water at any vendor. The downside with this plan was the limited food options (pizza, fries, burger, chicken fingers, hot dogs). The food did not fuel our family well enough to stay energized for the long hours of walking around and sensory stimulation.

TIP: If your Dining Pass wristband is loose, have them put on another. I lost ours when it slipped off at Soak City after only two meals. Set a timer on your phone for 90 minutes to remind you when you can get your next meal to maximize your value.


  • Time- Time is money if you’re visiting Kings Island for one day. We spent a lot of unnecessary time walking to and from our vehicle. Knowing we wanted to do rides, go to Soak City to cool off during the hot afternoon and then back to the rides meant we had to change clothes. Our suggestion is to get a locker near Rendezvous Run at Soak City ($15) at the beginning of your day. Having your swim gear in that central location between Planet Snoopy and Soak City will eliminate the long walks to the car.

Kids rides at Snoopy Planet in Kings Island

Soak City at Kings Island Ohio

Snoopy at Kings Island Cedar Fair

Refill Cup at Kingsl Island

Snoopy Planet at Kings Island

Tips While at Kings Island:

  • Lunch and a Show– get lunch and a great viewing spot of the shows ahead of time. Planning your meal around a show gives you a mandatory break to eat, cool off and rest while viewing awesome entertainment. I recommend getting in line for food 45 minutes to an hour before the show starts.
  • Kings Island App- like most amusement parks, Kings Island has their own free app that has a map, car locator, wait times and other info. A major improvement would be for them to add which rides are closed. We went at the end of the summer when things were slowing down and there were many rides closed due to low attendance. For example, at Soak City, 1/3 of the attractions were closed because of predicted low attendance. This meant the lines for the other attractions were still long despite there being ‘low crowds.’ It wasn’t worth our time to go over to experience only two attractions.
  • 2 Days- If you have kids who love the water park (check out the cabanas) or are able to go on bigger rides, I highly recommend getting a hotel and splitting your time between two days. If we were able to do more at Soak City we would have wanted to do two days.

Refill Cup at Kings Island

Kid Rides at Kings Island

Ultimate Stunt Show at Kings Island

Kids Rides at Kings Island

Sweet Spot at Kings Island Ohio

Overall we had a blast at Kings Island and I’m so happy to report that it is just as fun to go as a parent as it is as a teenager! If you’ve got any other ways to save or tips, please share them! I would love to know for future trips and to share with others.
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Kings Island with Little Kids

November Goals

October has blown through our lives like the wind that fall brings. It’s crazy how much we did this past month. I really focused on having fun with Sophie and making sure to spend more time with friends and family. We’re still doing nightly projects on the house but there is a lot more ‘fun’ time scheduled in. Unfortunately, we’re ramping up to do a few big house projects before winter (and snow) comes. Hopefully having these November goals written out will help keep me on track because I know this and next month will be pretty anxiety inducing.


On that note, let’s check to see how flexible I’ll have to be with my November goals by looking back on my October goals (or as I like to call them ‘accomplishments’.)

Conner Prairie is so beautiful in the fall
We did well on our family goals for October. Like I said, my focus was Sophie, so we got a play area set up for her in the basement since the weather is starting to get rainy. We did not do well at getting her bedtime routine set. I could blame it on a number of events we did but in reality, it’s all on us to make sure we’re home to give her the routine she thrives on. We’re running into her having a hard time waking up in the mornings and refusing school again so bedtime routine will be a must this month. We did not go to a pumpkin patch but Soph went with me to pick out her pumpkin and we carved them as a cat and Frankenstein. We also went to several local Halloween attractions like The Headless Horseman at Conner Prairie, The Children’s Museum and Octoboo Trick or Treating at the Hamilton East County Library.

Sophie at the park
I only accomplished 50% of my life goals this past month. We got the bathroom painted with help from my sister and got the shelves up in the master closet this past weekend. We were able to visit both sides of our family for lots of Birthday celebrating, however, I did not work out 5 days/week and we only did Whole15. The good news is that I’m now in PT for my shoulder and neck so I will be able to do more regular workouts (and vacuum the house!) I rocked my blog goals and completed all three! I did several paid posts, wrote both Sophie’s Birthday party post and a Disney post (coming this week) and finished our final book for Page Turners, George.

Hayride with toddler
We have had a wonderful start to the fall season. During Sophie’s fall break we were able to visit with lots of friends and family and really spent quality time with everyone (without a ton on the agenda). She seems to really like fall and all the activities that come with it (other than the rain because she can’t go to the park every day).  Now for my November goals.

November Goals:


  • Focus on Sophie’s bedtime routine
  • Start swim lessons
  • Meet up with another mom or mom’s group


  • Do one personal organizing session
  • Read 4 nights/week
  • Build a shed


  • Post three times/week
  • Use hashtags more effectively on Instagram (higher likes)
  • Schedule content a month out

I’m excited but also nervous for November and December. I like having a few things on the calendar but it’s already looking quite full. One day  at a time. By the way, what is one of your biggest goals for November? Please share it with me. I’d love to have an accountability buddy.

By the way, if you’re liking my photos, you can follow along with what we’re up to on my Instagram page:

Top 5 WordPress Plugins

Hey techies! There are thousands of WordPress plugins. There are probably a hundred really awesome plugins. There are five that I LOVE having on my blog and I wanted to share those five with you today! These aren’t the core plugins that every WordPress site needs to function well but they’re still awesome at what they do.


  1. CommentLuv: This is my favorite plugin on my site. I love the community between bloggers. I want my readers to see what posts other bloggers are currently writing. I also like it because it’s an easy way to click over to someone’s site that has commented on my post.
  2. BJ Lazy Load: Makes a photo not load until you scroll down. This cuts down on load time immensely. I have a lot of photos in each post and it would take a long time to load without this plugin. My biggest turn-off for a blog is having it take too long to load. I’m too impatient. I don’t want that to be the reason someone skips out on my blog.
  3. Simply Instagram: I don’t use Instagram in the way of promoting my blog. Instagram is solely for me to post pictures of my life. I like having it on my blog so people can see what’s going on in my everyday life outside of my blog.
  4. Dynamic To Top: I REALLY dislike when blogs don’t have a ‘scroll to top’ button! A site that is easily navigated is critical in having return guests. A search function is another ‘must-have’ in my opinion.
  5. Engageya: Being able to have suggested posts at the bottom of each post is a great way to keep someone active on your blog. They might see my Life Planner post on Pinterest and at the bottom see my post about Magic Kingdom and click because they’re planning a trip to Disney.

Do you like these features on my blog? What are some of your favorite plugins? I might have some new favorite plugins after this post!

What’s a Liebster Award?

I would call myself a novice blogger at this stage. Thankfully there is a thing called ‘google’ that is super helpful in my learning the ropes (as well as super kind-hearted bloggy friends!) I got a message saying ‘Congratulations! I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Award! Don’t worry, I’m not spam! ๐Ÿ™‚ ‘ This made me automatically think ‘someone who’s spamming might say that!’ *Paranoid* I clicked anyway and was super excited to see that it’s a real award and I got it by not having many followers! ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s really a very kind award that helps get small blogs, like yours truly, recognized and seen out in the blogosphere. I’m very honored that sweet Anna from Blessed Beyond Crazy chose me out of thousands of up&coming blogs for this award. Be sure to go check out her blog where she made this awesome garden box from pallets!


Now, according to tradition, I am to tell you 5 factoids about myself, answer Anna’s 10 questions, and choose 5 other blogs to spotlight!

  1. I worked for The Mouse and it was the best paid job I’ve ever/will ever have.
  2. I LOVE conventions…of any kind.
  3. I have an addiction to buying flowers but not remembering to water them.
  4. I’m 29 and have never been out of the US.
  5. I’d rather be barefoot.

Here are the 10 questions Anna asked me:

1. Why did you start blogging? 

I originally started my first blog to show my friends and family the DiY house projects I was working on. I don’t live in the same state so I wanted to keep them updated. I started blogging again with DiY Mama because I love reading blogs, wanted to share my experiences of DiY and motherhood and keep my family updated.

2. What makes your blog unique?

There are at least 1 million mommy blogs out there that also do crafts so I’m pretty sure there are a couple that are VERY similar to mine. I like to think DiY Mama is unique in that I write tutorials with no edits. If I make mistakes or learn that something would work better, I write it in the post, rather than making sure everything is perfect on my site.

3. What is your favorite form of social media? Why? 

This is a hard question for me b/c I use so many and for different reasons. My current favorite social media is Twitter. I like how people aren’t as ‘ranty’. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I also like that you can keep up with celebs, bands and local groups on a more personable level.

4. What is your favorite blog post you have written?

My favorite blog post thus far is a post I wrote about organizing my Life Planner. I enjoyed writing it because I learned a video editing program, did my first vlog and hopefully gave some ideas for people wanting to organize their schedules a bit better.

5. Do you consider yourself an extrovert or introvert? And do you like this about yourself?

I would consider myself an extrovert. I like that I’m an extrovert because I can talk to anyone easily. I also dislike that I’m an extrovert because I feel the need to talk to EVERYONE. I also crave being around people which can be difficult with an introvert husband.

6. Are you a tea or coffee person? 

I am continuously trying to like either of them but don’t find myself enjoying either. I can do lattes if there’s TONS of syrup. ๐Ÿ˜‰

7. What is your guilty pleasure? 

Biting my daughter’s cheek!? I know I won’t get to do it forever so I gotta get it in now! If you saw her cheeks, you’d know why. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Also, she squeals when I do it, and I’ll do anything to get a squeal.

8. What are your favorite types of posts to read?

DiY, upcycled and before & afters! I like to see that people are creating new things or refurbishing old things.

9. What is your favorite holiday to celebrate and how do you celebrate?  

Christmas!! No question. I celebrate it by having ridiculous amounts of decorations, hot chocolate and Christmas music! I also love opening stockings at my family’s house and just being together. My new favorite part about Christmas is my daughter! I’m excited to share the wonder of Christmas with her!

10. What is the most challenging thing that youโ€™ve had to tackle in respect to blogging?

Re-designing my blog was the toughest challenge. I switched to, bought a theme and learned how to do a bit of code all in a couple of days. Thankfully, when I’d get really frustrated, my husband helped me. ๐Ÿ™‚

Now on to the best part! Sharing with you my 5 spotlighted blogs! These are blogs that have fewer than 500 followers on FB (because I couldn’t figure out how to tell how many their blogs have…although they’re awesome, so I’m sure it’s more than 500.)

5 spotlight bloggers

In no particular order:

For My Love Of I love Corinna’s drive to try new things. She has a wide array of DiY craft tutorials. I love her use metal!

Kre’Ativ 77 These girls rock! Chelsea and Alix live far from each other but both equally contribute awesome ideas to the blog regarding recipes and DiY!

A Day in CandiLand if you want to drool go here. Candi’s recipes are OUTSTANDING and you will gain 10lbs or make lots of new friends.

Bold Fit Mom  If you’re looking to get a bit healthier, Amber’s your girl! She does coaching on the side of being a fab Mom!

For the Love of Disney This blog is ALL THINGS Disney! Recipes, facts, news a great resource for us Disney nerds!

โ€œOfficialโ€ Liebster Award Rules:  Once a blogger is nominated, and they choose to ACCEPT the award, they should:

1. Thank and link back to the blogger who nominated you

2. Upload the Liebster award badge to your blog

3. Post 5 facts about yourself and answer the 5-10 questions from the person who nominated you

4. Nominate and add a link to 5-10 blogs with fewer than 500 followers

5. Notify the nominees by email or leave a comment on their blog, include 5-10 questions

Thank you, again Anna, for the nomination!!



Macaron Bar Indianapolis- Blogger Review- DIY Mama

Meet Shelly
Hello! I’m Shelly, the brains and brawn behind DIY Mama. I am a self-taught code monkey/web designer/artist/mama with the help from friends, family and Google. I earned my degree in Hospitality Management from Purdue University and have been around the block a time or two trying to figure out my fit. Some of the hats I’ve worn are: baker, house keeper, hotel sales, carni (in Disney World!), catering manager, waitress, bank teller and barista. I’m currently fortunate enough to stay home with my 1 year old and be able to get my 6 year old on and off the bus.


DIY Mama
I started DIY Mama in 2013 soon after our first daughter was born. I wanted to keep friends and family updated on our life since we live out of state. It gradually turned into my life raft as I was going a bit crazy without adult socializing or a job.

I put my heart into learning as much CSS that I could get away with and have from there been working on branding my style, improving my photography and learning the social aspect of blogging. As the blog has grown, I stopped focusing on labeling my blog in to the DIY, lifestyle or motherhood category because it is so much more than that. As my family grows our adventures change and my biggest focus now is family travel and Indianapolis attractions. Through it all, I keep the tagline ‘Let’s try this again, shall we?’ as I show my successes and failures in crafting, cooking and parenting.

My handsome/techie/smart/personal cheerleader husband, Jeffrey and I just moved from our Craftsman style ranch home in Illinois that we were lucky enough to build. We now live in Indiana with our 5 year old Sophia, new baby Lilly and 8 year old pup Lexi. I would describe my style as ‘home-made modern’ (trademark pending.) I like a modern base but with lots of home made touches thrown in to make it feel inviting. This is how I am with my home, fashion and design of art/crafts.

projects for 2018

I’m not sure what the future holds, but I know this, I want my family to be priority over everything. I may go back into the hospitality field or perhaps go back to school to get a degree in horticulture, art or design. I may move to Disney World to be a travel blogger. It’s possible that I’ll become the first female president (although extremely unlikely), start a podcast, be a YouTuber for Project Life, write an ebook on organizing, or just up and move to Fiji where I can listen to the waves on the beach while I do yoga every morning.

But above all, I want to live a happy, creative and inspiring life filled with love from those around me. I’m so excited to have you following along with me on my adventure! Check the right sidebar for my social media links to get sneak peaks at what’s going on behind the scenes.


I’ve worked with brands like Nestle, Quaker, Target, Disney, Peter Pan and Downey. I’ve been a writer for Indy’s Child Parenting Magazine, Hamilton County Tourism, Indy with Kids and Towne Post Magazine.


If you would like to get in contact with me, email me at: shelly[at] or any of the social media buttons in the right sidebar.

All opinions are my own unless otherwise stated. Feel free to use pictures as long as they are credited to me and linked to this site.

Big props to my IT husband for helping me do the background work of this blog when it’s 1am and I’m picking up my laptop to throw it against the wall!
